Eight family networks with Roman bloodlines control the world’s financial markets, and all eight are wagering on the outcome of Armageddon and the battles leading up to this final conflict.
#geopolitics #warefare #nationalism #endtimes #apocalypse #cia #fbi #greatbritain #bilderberg #china #2024election
#geopolitics #warefare #nationalism #endtimes #apocalypse #cia #fbi #greatbritain #bilderberg #china #2024election
So many dangers are genuine about this #WorldCoin project!
ID theft, server hacking, governmental wrongdoing, destruction of livelihood, etc...
No term of condition will ever be enough for this kind of technologies. And people registering now are clueless about all the problems they will encounter, until they do.
Last detail: Guess who was the keynote invitee of the last #bilderberg meeting held in Portugal?
A: Sam Altman
#cbdc #ubi #samAltman #openAI
@reclaimthenet https://reclaimthenet.org/sam-altmans-eyeball-scanning-global-id-system-worldcoin-launches
#WorldCoin #bilderberg #cbdc #ubi #samaltman #openai
Alexis Poulin sur Twitter : "Gabriel Attal et Edouard Philippe faisaient partis des invités français du groupe Bilderberg cette année. L’un devient ministre de l’éducation un mois après, L’autre publie un livre sur l’éducation à la rentrée." / Twitter https://twitter.com/Poulin2012/status/1682690210872668161 #politique #macronie #gabriel_attal #edouard_philippe #éducation #gouvernement #bilderberg #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #bilderberg #gouvernement #education #edouard_philippe #gabriel_attal #macronie #politique
Skeptoid #225: Beware the Bilderberg Group! by Brian Dunning #bilderberg #bilderberggroup #illuminati #freemasonry #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot The annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group is not to plan global domination.
#bilderberg #bilderberggroup #illuminati #freemasonry #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
💢 Just some of the equipment required to keep Henry Kissinger alive for the duration of #Bilderberg 2023. There's a spare heart in the box. 🫠 The 99-year-old never travels without back-ups.
Subscribe @NewResistance
La réunion #Bilderberg 2023 vient de s'achever dans le silence complice des media. C'est pourquoi tout le monde doit voir cette vidéo de l'excellent @VincLapierre (lien plus bas). https://youtu.be/HTasfnZT7dg
Albert #Bourla, qui était trop occupé pour ne pas venir s'expliquer devant la commission d'enquête du Parlement Européen sur les vaccins, a trouvé le temps d'assister au #Bilderberg.
C'était une coïncidence fortuite d'emploi du temps.
Si sta svolgendo in questi giorni la riunione annuale del gruppo #Bilderberg. La lista dei partecipanti non é di altissimo livello e gli argomenti trattati sono certamente al di sopra delle loro competenze. Tra quelli importanti #AI, #NATO, #Ucraina, #USLeadership.
#bilderberg #ai #nato #ucraina #usleadership
Okazas la jara kunveno de la grupo #Bilderberg. La partoprenantoj ne estas de tre alta nivelo kaj la diskutataj temoj certe superas iliajn kompetencojn. Inter la gravaj temoj estas #AI, #NATO, #Ukraino, #USLeadership.
#bilderberg #ai #nato #ukraino #usleadership
The annual meeting of the #Bilderberg group is taking place these days. The list of participants is not of the highest level and the topics discussed are certainly beyond their competences. Among the important ones are #AI, #NATO, #Ukraine, #USLeadership.
#bilderberg #ai #nato #ukraine #usleadership
Si sta svolgendo in questi giorni la riunione annuale del gruppo #Bilderberg. La lista dei partecipanti non é di altissimo livello e gli argomenti trattati sono certamente al di sopra delle loro competenze. Tra quelli importanti #AI, #NATO, #Ucraina, #USLeadership.
#bilderberg #ai #nato #ucraina #usleadership
The 69th #Bilderberg Meeting, a secretive conclave of global power brokers, has kicked off in Lisbon, #Portugal, with issues on the agenda including transnational threats, artificial intelligence, and America’s leadership in world affairs.
69th #Bilderberg Kicks Off, #Mockingbird #Media Silent As Usual: Here’s Who Is Attending & What Is Being Discussed https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/69th-bilderberg-kicks-off-mockingbird-media-silent-as-usual-heres-who-is-attending-what-is-being-discussed/
#bilderberg #mockingbird #media
Liste des français participants à l'influent groupe #Bilderberg 2023 qui se tient en ce moment au Portugal :
- Édouard Philippe
- Gabriel Attal
- Clément Beaune
- Thomas Buberl (AXA)
- Henri de Castries (Institut Montaigne)
- Patricia Barbizet (Afep + ex-présidente du Siècle)
- Bernard Gauvain Émié (DGSE)
- Antoine Gosset-Grainville (AXA)
- Valérie Baudson (Amundi)
- Patrick Pouyané (Total)
(Liste complète (https://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/meetings/meeting-2023/participants-2023))
Onneksi ei käytä #SuomiTwitter iä.
Voi vaan kuvitella sen eilisen mölinän ja öyhötyksen siitä, että Marin sai #NYU:n kunniatohtoriuden, ja heti perään tämä:
#SannaMarin osallistuu #Bilderberg-tapaamiseen.
Puhumattakaan #Orpo n ahistuksesta, kun tietää, ettei pääse lähellekään niitä tasoja, suosioita ja arvostuksia, jotka #Marin on kansainvälisesti viime vuosina saanut. Ja sitten #hallitusneuvottelut rinnalla tapahtuu koko ajan kaikki tämä.
#suomitwitter #nyu #sannamarin #bilderberg #orpo #marin #hallitusneuvottelut #politiikka #yhteiskunta #suomikuva
RT @deYook@twitter.com
Eric Schmidt's weird argument (that tech companies should self-regulate re. #AI) will presumably be heard later this week by the two EU Commissioners who are attending the #Bilderberg conference. I wonder if they'll push back? @PaulNemitz@twitter.com https://twitter.com/hackylawyER/status/1657797375874809856
RT @deYook@twitter.com
Speaking of Schmidt & #Bilderberg, here are the top three names on Deutsche Bank's Global Advisory Board. It doesn't get much more Bilderbergian than this trio.
And even more difficult when they were SO sure that they were part of the truth and the others just a herd of sheep, misled by the forces of evil.
#conspiracy #antivaxx #bilderberg #illuminati #reptilians #chemtrails #NWO
#conspiracy #antivaxx #bilderberg #illuminati #Reptilians #chemtrails #nwo
@RBausBinBW @a_watch mich wundert das. Denn so geheim sind die Organisationen mit politischem Einfluss doch garnicht: #Rüstung, #FDP & #metall-Unternehmen, #Verbände von #Öl & #Pharma, alles was bei #Davos & #Bilderberg eingeladen ist ... #Oligarchen wie #Asklepios, #Aldi und #Helios, #Lidl & #Rossmann etc. Stehen doch als #Milliardäre in #wikipedia ...
#rustung #fdp #metall #verbande #ol #pharma #davos #bilderberg #oligarchen #asklepios #aldi #helios #lidl #rossmann #milliardare #wikipedia