Defense: "Your Honor, what the prosecution is proposing is a travesty of jaundice!"
Judge: "You mean a travesty of justice?"
Prosecution: "No, Your Honor. Defense counsel is correct. I have high bilirubin."
Judge: "By George!"
#bilirubin #joke #language #jaundice #justice #travesty
#Jaundice affects almost all neonates in their first days of life, and is caused by the accumulation of #bilirubin. While the core biochemistry of bilirubin metabolism is well known, it is not clear why some neonates experience more severe jaundice and require treatment with phototherapy.
Jaundice affects almost all neonates in their first days of life, and is caused by the accumulation of #bilirubin. While the core biochemistry of bilirubin metabolism is well known, it is not clear why some neonates experience more severe jaundice and require treatment with phototherapy.