#YouKnow who is #ConspicuouslyAbsent from the #List of #TrumpWhiteHouseCrimeSyndicate #Participants, #MisterDen...?
#BillBarr | #WideEyedInnocence
🧙⚔️ 🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🥷🎠🦹🦄🦹🎠🥷
#youknow #conspicuouslyabsent #list #trumpwhitehousecrimesyndicate #participants #misterden #billbarr #wideeyedinnocence
I did not know that #BillBarr's dad hired #JeffreyEpstein at the pretigious well connected Dalton School back in the day.
Then Epstein commited suicide on Bill Barr's watch. What a coincidence? 🤔😬
#billbarr #jeffreyepstein #epsteindidnotkillhimself
#BillBarr and #MikePence suddenly having their balls drop on Trump’s #Insurrection makes me think Trump won’t see free daylight again after 4pm today. He is a stochastic terrorist and the sooner he is locked TF up, the better. #RemandTrump #LockHimUpAlready
#billbarr #mikepence #insurrection #remandtrump #lockhimupalready
Jack Smith has "a lot more evidence" about Donald Trump—Bill Barr
#Newsweek #JackSmith #DonaldTrump #BillBarr #evidence #interview #Politics #News
#newsweek #jacksmith #donaldtrump #billbarr #evidence #interview #politics #news
🥥 Is it okay to say, "Fuck #BillBarr," on the #Fediverse?
Or is that a violation of decorum? 🥥
I see the news media across the political spectrum are giving Bill Barr tilts and giggles, totally ignoring his contribution in letting Trump (and Ronald Reagan and his Iran-Contra gang, if we want to go backwards) act in ways above the law.
As the 77th and 85th United States attorney general in the administrations of Presidents George H. W. Bush and Donald #Trump, he has been letting criminal presidents off the hook for over 30 years. #USPol #BillBarr
#BillBarr #TFG #Jan6 The Worm Continues to Turn. Bill Barr yesterday said that while former President Trump can “tell people that the election was stolen, when he knew better … That does not protect [him] from entering into a conspiracy.” “All conspiracies involve speech, and all fraud involves speech. So, free speech doesn’t give [Trump] the right to engage in a fraudulent conspiracy,” Barr added. Rebecca Falconer reports for Axios.
Former #AttorneyGeneral #BillBarr said Wed he doesn't believe the defense that former President #DonaldTrump was following the advice of counsel in his Jan. 6 decision-making would hold up if the former president took the stand in court.
Trump was indicted Tues, after an investigation by #SpecialCounsel #JackSmith concluded he had conspired 2 overturn results o #2020election by attempting 2 exploit 2021 assault on the #Capitol.
#TrumpIndictment #Conspiracy #Obstruction
#attorneygeneral #billbarr #donaldtrump #specialcounsel #jacksmith #2020election #capitol #trumpindictment #conspiracy #obstruction
@RationalWiki The #TrumpRussiaInvestigation was limited in scope because #DonaldTheDeplorable thought the Attorney General at the time (#BillBarr ) was essentially HIS personal lawyer and government freebie.
Sorta like the #FBI ‘s quickie investigation of rape allegations against #SCOTUS nominee at the time, #BrettKavanaugh. 🤷🏻♂️
#SaveAmerica 🇺🇸 from the #TrumpCrimeSyndicate !
#trumprussiainvestigation #donaldthedeplorable #billbarr #fbi #SCOTUS #brettkavanaugh #saveamerica #trumpcrimesyndicate
…#Lieu asked #Wray about #RogerStone, #ElliottBroidy, #MichaelCohen, #PaulManafort, #RickGates, & #GeorgePapadopoulos, all of whom were found #guilty of various #crimes in federal court.
Lieu pointed out that all of the advisers were prosecuted by Trump appointees: #BillBarr, #MatthewWhitaker, & #JeffSessions. Wray, who was already leading the #FBI at the time, is also a #TrumpAppointee.
#ChrisWray #DOJ #Justice #HouseJudiciaryCommittee #WeaponizationOfGovernment #Law #PerformancePolitics
#lieu #wray #rogerstone #elliottbroidy #michaelcohen #paulmanafort #rickgates #georgepapadopoulos #guilty #crimes #billbarr #matthewwhitaker #jeffsessions #fbi #trumpappointee #chriswray #doj #justice #housejudiciarycommittee #weaponizationofgovernment #law #performancepolitics
“But they built it solidly enough that it prevailed all the way through a presidential #impeachment. They used to be better at constructing fanciful lands of #scandals. Frankly, they were as good as El Mystico and Janet at building an infrastructure of imaginary #crimes.
Somehow, between #billbarr & #jamescomer they've lost the knack.
It's not like it used to be.”
#jamescomer #billbarr #crimes #scandals #impeachment
Welp, the new Republican Congress just censured Rep Adam Schiff for supposedly bringing “disrepute on the House” (👀⁉️) in previous Congresses. The censure resolution (especially the first one that even the Repubs couldn’t stomach) reads like a greatest hits of trump’s malevolent tweets against Schiff.
As Bill Barr notoriously said, “History is written by the winners.”
#trump #RewritingHistory #schiff #billbarr
#trump #rewritinghistory #schiff #billbarr
#JohnDurham—the #specialcounsel who was appointed by then #AttorneyGeneral #BillBarr to investigate the #FBI’s investigation of the #TrumpRussia #scandal and who utterly failed to produce evidence it was a #hoax—testified before the #HouseJudiciaryCommittee on Wednesday. In doing so, he made #False Statements to #Congress. He might even have #lied. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/06/john-durham-just-made-false-statements-to-congress/
#johndurham #specialcounsel #AttorneyGeneral #billbarr #fbi #trumprussia #scandal #hoax #housejudiciarycommittee #false #congress #lied
John Durham Just Made False Statements to Congress
Mother Jones
#JohnDurham —the special counsel who was appointed by then-AG #BillBarr to investigate the FBI’s investigation of the #Trump-Russia scandal & who utterly failed to produce evidence it was a hoax—testified before the #House #JudiciaryCmte on Wed. In doing so, he made #FalseStatements to #Congress. He might even have lied.
#johndurham #billbarr #trump #house #judiciarycmte #falsestatements #congress
This bears repeating: The excellent congressman #JoeNeguse from #Colorado
got #JohnDurham to admit in front of everyone (it is in the report, too) that Merick Garland gave him full independence to finish his investigation and even supplied additional resources of, for instance, staff, when they were asked for.
Unlike #BillBarr who was the most corrupt AG in history. #FukBillBarr
#joeneguse #colorado #johndurham #billbarr #fukbillbarr
Trump now viciously attacks Bill Barr, who’s weighed in on the solidity of the documents case indictment, saying, if the evidence is true, Trump is “toast.” Trump graciously refers to Barr as a “gutless pig.” I combined the 2 ideas, coming up with this. #billbarr #Trump #politicalcartoon #indictment #toast
#toast #indictment #politicalcartoon #Trump #billbarr
#ChrisChristie and #BillBarr , former close collaborators of #DonaldTheDeplorable , BOTH compared him to a “petulant child”. 👉 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/06/18/christie-barr-trump-petulant-child/70334124007/
Yep. Every sensible person in the world who pays attention to #USpol and has observed #SpoiledBrats knew that!
#chrischristie #billbarr #donaldthedeplorable #uspol #spoiledbrats