Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Is the Ultimate Summer Bop Happy or Sad? Welcome to Jezebel's Song of the Summer Tournament #Jezebel #scottishsinglesandalbumscharts #billboardyearendhot100singles #alliwantforchristmasisyou #entertainmentculture #brianalexandermorgan #megantheestallion #christinaaguilera #mariefredriksson #billboardcharts #christmasinjuly #christinaperri #carlyraejepsen #luisfonsi
#jezebel #scottishsinglesandalbumscharts #billboardyearendhot100singles #AllIWantForChristmasIsYou #entertainmentculture #brianalexandermorgan #MeganTheeStallion #christinaaguilera #mariefredriksson #billboardcharts #christmasinjuly #christinaperri #carlyraejepsen #luisfonsi
"Venus in Blue Jeans" is a 1962 song written by #HowardGreenfield and #JackKeller. It was recorded that year by #JimmyClanton and reached No. 7 on the #BillboardCharts, and No. 5 on the #CHUMChart in Canada. The song was also recorded that year by #MarkWynter who released the song in the UK where it reached No. 4.
#howardgreenfield #jackkeller #jimmyclanton #billboardcharts #chumchart #markwynter
Wer Lust auf etwas Mukke aus den US-Charts von vor 50 Jahren im Dezember '72 hat ... sei herzlich eingeladen:
#seventies #siebziger #1970s #70s #1972 #musik #billboard #billboardcharts
#seventies #Siebziger #1970s #70s #musik #billboard #billboardcharts
Passend zu #Halloween:
Hier meine Sendung Funky Flashback bei @campusradioka
Musik aus der Zeit um Halloween '72:
Aus den US #BillboardCharts vom November 1972 ... vor genau 50 Jahren.
Mit den #TheTemptations, #ChiColtrane, #CurtisMayfield, #JohnnyNash, #DannyOKeefe, #Lobo, #SealsAndCrofts, #Eagles, #AliceCooper, #TheDoobieBrothers, #HelenReddy, #TheSpinners, #HarryNilsson und #Gallery
#funkyflashback #seventies #70s #1972
#halloween #billboardcharts #thetemptations #chicoltrane #curtismayfield #johnnynash #dannyokeefe #lobo #sealsandcrofts #eagles #alicecooper #TheDoobieBrothers #HelenReddy #TheSpinners #harrynilsson #gallery #funkyflashback #seventies #70s