Mastodon betekent Tepel-Tand. Dat wist ik niet🤔.
#mastodon means nipple tooth. According to #billbryson
It is not as if farming brought a great improvement in living standards either. A typical hunter-gatherer enjoyed a more varied diet and consumed more protein and calories than settled people, and took in five times as much vitamin C as the average person today.
Bienvenido. Y felicidades. Estoy encantado de que hayas podido conseguirlo. Llegar hasta aquí no ha sido fácil. Lo sé. Y hasta sospecho que ha sido algo más difícil de lo que crees. En primer lugar, para que estés ahora aquí, trillones de átomos errantes tuvieron que agruparse de algún modo, en una forma compleja y extrañamente servicial para
crearte. Se trata de una disposición tan especializada y particular que no se ha ensayado
nunca antes y sólo existirá esta vez.
Una breve historia de casi todo.
Mijn #Priemwoestijnen is alweer bijna 5 jaar oud, maar kwam onlangs nog op een lijstje met namen als #BillBryson, #RandallMunroe, #StephenHawking, #FransdeWaal en #TeunvandeKeuken. 😲 Ben overigens een nieuw boek aan het tikken.
#teunvandekeuken #fransdewaal #stephenhawking #randallmunroe #billbryson #priemwoestijnen
It’s me again, reading Bill Bryson books and posting about them on Mastodon. I'm reading At Home, and I loved the anecdote about the Erie Canal. The waterway, completed in 1925, was an achievement in construction and transformed the economy of New York. Surprisingly, four amateur civil engineers with little prior experience led the successful project. Something to remember next time you're feeling out of your depth.
#BillBryson #books #bookstodon
#billbryson #books #bookstodon
Just a little book review I wrote about The (spoiler: fabulous) Bill Bryson book, "One Summer: America 1927".
(#BillBryson was writing about #Durham: "'If you have never been to Durham, go there at once. Take my car, it's wonderful.")
@tbs I only heard about him last night when reading the #BillBryson book The Road to Little Dribbling. He really deserved wider recognition and appreciation.
My recent trip back to England was a chance to pick up some English language reading material.
I think we can call that a successful trip!
#wilwheaton #scalzi #lennyhenry #stephenfry #terrypratchett #richardegrant #billbryson
#wilwheaton #scalzi #lennyhenry #stephenfry #terrypratchett #richardegrant #billbryson
Each day, I try to share three things I like/enjoy/am grateful for as my contribution to a positive space. (H/T
Here’s today’s list:
1) “A Christmas Carol” by Tom Lehrer
2) NY-style pizza (extra cheese, please)
3) Books by Bill Bryson
How about you? 😊
#ReasonsToBeCheerful #Positivity
#Christmas #TomLehrer #NYPizza #BillBryson #3GoodThings @3goodthings
#3goodthings #billbryson #nypizza #tomlehrer #christmas #positivity #reasonstobecheerful
[1999] Notes from a Small Island - Following his successful book, American travel writer Bill Bryson sets off on a new tour of Britain. Starting at Dover, where he recalls his first disembarkation in 1973 to a land of rain, sweet tea and disagreeable land-ladies.
Hashtagging myself up to appeal to like minded souls: #modernhistory #culturalhistory #thecure #throwingmuses #suede #depechemode #naturism #mindfulness #Selsey #horror #forteantimes #cats #PeepShow #calvinandhobbes #billbryson and that's all I can think of for now.
#modernhistory #culturalhistory #thecure #throwingmuses #Suede #depechemode #naturism #mindfulness #selsey #horror #forteantimes #cats #PeepShow #calvinandhobbes #billbryson
Jumping on the #bookstodon bookshelf (😉) with some of my fave authors! This list is by no means definitive—how can such a list ever be!—but I admire the writing of these authors, which stays with me, and have read multiple works by each.
#AliSmith #WGSebald #ruthozeki #deborahlevy #johnlecarre #guygavrielkay #helenhumphreys #billbryson #janeausten #kateatkinson #bookstodon
Here are some of mine:
#nealstephenson #billbryson #margaretatwood #guygavrielkay #williamgibson #StephenDonaldson #georgeorwell #isaacasimov #terrypratchett #PatrickRothfuss #tolkien
Some old works I once made inspired by the concept of the Big Bang Theory... #fromthearchives #artist #painting #painter #canvas #acrylic #scienceart #howitstarted #billbryson #thebigbangtheory #art #space #thebigbang #outdoors #paintings #nft #nftart #nftdrop #newnft #nftartist
#fromthearchives #artist #painting #painter #canvas #acrylic #scienceart #HowItStarted #billbryson #thebigbangtheory #art #space #thebigbang #outdoors #paintings #nft #NFTart #nftdrop #newnft #NFTartist