Does anyone listen to #BillBurr? Someone compared him to classic #EddieMurphy (SNL), but when he described the guy’s #jokes they seemed politically tainted and edgy
#funny #comedian #comedy #jokes #eddiemurphy #billburr
Meccanismi di difesa - 025 - Umorismo
🤣 😂 Una risata vi seppellirà... fatti una risata... Ridi che ti passa... Ridere dei nostri limiti... E' ben noto che umorismo ed autoironia siano potenti strumenti per il nostro benessere e per affrontare fonti di stress.
#psicologoinrete #meccanismididifesa #umorismo #autoironia #crescitapersonale #standup #standupcomedy #zelig #comico #psicoterapeuta #comicità #comicitàitaliana #billburr #rickygervais #louisck #jimjefferies
#psicologoinrete #meccanismididifesa #umorismo #autoironia #crescitapersonale #standup #standupcomedy #Zelig #comico #psicoterapeuta #comicita #comicitaitaliana #billburr #rickygervais #louisck #jimjefferies
Ok hear me out. Just hear me out. #ProjectRunway but where a buzzed #BillBurr and #JaneaneGarofalo are the judges.
#projectrunway #billburr #janeanegarofalo
Francesca and Kuby are the OTP from Breaking Bad. Don't @ me. #BreakingBad #Francesca #TinaParker #Kuby #BillBurr
#breakingbad #francesca #tinaparker #kuby #billburr
THE MANDALORIAN: Season 3, Episode 2: Chapter 18 TV Show Trailer [Disney+]
#FilmBook #TVShowTrailer #BillBurr #CarlWeathers #DisneyPlus #EmilySwallow #GiancarloEsposito #KateeSackhoff #PedroPascal #RosarioDawson #ScienceFiction #TemueraMorrison #TheMandalorian #TVShowTrailer
#filmbook #tvshowtrailer #billburr #carlweathers #disneyplus #emilyswallow #giancarloesposito #kateesackhoff #pedropascal #rosariodawson #sciencefiction #temueramorrison #themandalorian
I want more space #BillBurr in season 3.
#billburr #themandalorian #starwars #disney
Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 2,997: Migs Mayfeld (The Black Series)
#starwars #actionfigures #toys #billburr
#starwars #actionfigures #toys #billburr
i still chuckle at white middle class #women response to #billburr SNL monologue from a while back😊
instead of accepting white middle class women's complicity in slavery & civil rights abuses & lynchings....a bunch of white middle class feminist bloggers got upset about his use of "where my bitches at" because obviously women are ALWAYS the victims not the perpetrators.
kind of like how most white middle class women were fine with met police violence & murder as long as it didn't affect them
THE MANDALORIAN: Season 3 TV Show Trailer 2: Din Djarin & Grogu go to Mandalor [Disney+]
#TVShowTrailer #BillBurr #CarlWeathers #DisneyPlus #EmilySwallow #GiancarloEsposito #KateeSackhoff #PedroPascal #RosarioDawson #ScienceFiction #TemueraMorrison #TheMandalorian #TVShowTrailer
#tvshowtrailer #billburr #carlweathers #disneyplus #emilyswallow #giancarloesposito #kateesackhoff #pedropascal #rosariodawson #sciencefiction #temueramorrison #themandalorian
"Bill Burr on Women for 20 minutes straight."
On a scale from 0 to 10, I’m rating #BillBurr presents #ImmoralCompass as Oh my God I’m going to hell
Lt. Frank, AS SEEN:
KTLA 5 News
The Hollywood Reporter
LA football tailgates:
UCLA Bruins, USC Trojans, Los Angeles Chargers, Los Angeles Rams
Bill Burr's "Driving with Bill" on All Things Comedy
Your #event - Why not #LtFrank?
#LtFrank #Hollywood #AsSeen #actorslife
#live #event #improv #comedy #character #booking #talent #ForHire #football #tailgate #KTLA #LosAngeles #RoseBowl #BillBurr #BeachersMadhouse
#event #ltfrank #hollywood #asseen #actorslife #live #improv #comedy #character #booking #talent #forhire #football #tailgate #ktla #losangeles #rosebowl #billburr #beachersmadhouse
My life is boring so I watch #mrlboyd watch & react to #billburr talking about white guilt and saviour movies, and #avatar is named as a typical example.
It just so happens we're halfway into Avatar 1, preparing for 2 in the theater next week. Obvious as it is, I hadn't seen the racial savior theme yet. Sobering, but I'll watch them anyway.
This is about Avatar and the role of white people in fighting racism (wrapped up in a remark of Malcolm X).
#mrlboyd #billburr #avatar #racism #white #black
Só agora consegui assistir. Do primeiro ao último minuto: hilariante, lúcido, desencantado. Livre como só alguém que perdeu a paciência para merdas pode ser. Já não temos George Carlin. Mas, felizmente, temos Bill Burr.
#billburr #liveatredrocks #billburrliveatredrocks
Só agora consegui assistir. Do primeiro ao último minuto: hilariante, lúcido, desencantado. Livre como só alguém que perdeu a paciência para merdas pode ser. Já não temos George Carlin. Mas, felizmente, temos Bill Burr.
#billburr #liveatredrocks #billburrliveatredrocks