August 17th #RiffTrax
will be live in theaters coast to coast (including a bunch here in MSP!!!). And they are dismantling 'RAD'! Join #BillCorbett
for the majesty and pageantry! Tickets from #fathomevents:
#rifftrax #billcorbett #fathomevents
Blurry but it was the end of the show and they were waving quick goodbyes after working from the front row all evening. But it was a damn treat to see a new #Riffapalooza performance at #SFSketchfest last night, tackling 1959's _4D Man_. Left to right: #KevinMurphy, #JElvisWeinstein, #BillCorbett, #JanetVarney, #MaryJoPehl and #ColeStratton.
#riffapalooza #sfsketchfest #kevinmurphy #jelvisweinstein #billcorbett #janetvarney #maryjopehl #colestratton