Remembering trombonist Curtis Fowlkes (1950-2023) playing with Bill Frisell and with the Jazz Passengers. #111Words #CurtisFowlkes #Trombone #Jazz #BillFrisell #Quartet #RonMiles #EyvindKang #TheJazzPassengers #DebbieHarry #Blondie #TheTideIsHigh #IfIWereABell #GuysAndDolls #FrankLoesser
#frankloesser #guysanddolls #ifiwereabell #thetideishigh #blondie #debbieharry #thejazzpassengers #eyvindkang #ronmiles #quartet #billfrisell #jazz #trombone #curtisfowlkes #111words
No phones inside, so this will have to suffice. #johnzorn #LaurieAnderson #BillFrisell #davelombardo #slayer #livemusic #sfba
#johnzorn #laurieanderson #billfrisell #davelombardo #slayer #livemusic #sfba
Marc Johnson - Bass Desires
Johnson, on acoustic bass, brings together Bill Frisell and John Scofield on guitar, adds in Peter Erskine on drums, and you end up with one hell of a combo.
Melodic, funky, fun - and a great recording.
#nowplaying #jazz #vinyl #johnscofield #billfrisell #marcjohnson #petererskine #ecm
#ecm #petererskine #marcjohnson #billfrisell #JohnScofield #vinyl #jazz #nowplaying
“Engine of Ruin” by Earth (2008) is positively effusive in praise for this record, and they’re right.
Improbably slow tempos, droning guitars and simmering pianos and keys, it’s a slow burn that would not be out of place in a remake of a Leone Western.
Add the thrilling guitar work of #BillFrisell who guests on three tracks, including this one and, well, it hits all the right notes for me.
#nowplaying #billfrisell #earth #vinyl
Fred Hersch and Bill Frisell’s 1998 standards album “Songs We Know”, including “My Little Suede Shoes” and “It Might As Well Be Spring”. #111Words #FredHersch #BillFrisell #SongsWeKnow #CharlieParker #MyLittleSuedeShoes #RodgersAndHammerstein #ItMightAsWellBeSpring
#itmightaswellbespring #rodgersandhammerstein #mylittlesuedeshoes #charlieparker #songsweknow #billfrisell #fredhersch #111words
@profchander i love this version by Fred Hersch and Bill Frisell from their duo album “Songs We Know” from 1998 (which is full of wonderful standards).
#Jazz #Music #MyLittleSuedeShoes #FredHersch #BillFrisell #SongsWeKnow #Piano #Guitar
#guitar #piano #songsweknow #billfrisell #fredhersch #mylittlesuedeshoes #music #jazz
Bill Frisell - Valentine
A rare studio trio recording from Frisell. The liner notes indicate that he'd been touring with Royston and Morgan for years, and they popped into the studio to lay down tracks they'd played before, and some they hadn't.
It's quite interesting to hear them lock together and sometimes break apart, *almost* lose touch, and then find their way back.
It's nicely recorded, and pressed as expected from a Blue Note release.
#billfrisell #vinyl #jazz #nowplaying — Das Internationale Jazz-Weekend in Unterföhring mit Staraufgebot – Das diesjährige Internationale Jazz-Weekend in Unterföhring wartete, wie bereits in der vergangenen Jahren, mit einem starken
#Bericht #AustrianSyndicate #BillFrisell #ClaudioSpieler #DavidHelbock #GeraldClayton #GregTardy #HerbertPirker #JonathanBlake #LizzWright #PeterMadsen #RaphaelPreuschl
#bericht #austriansyndicate #billfrisell #claudiospieler #davidhelbock #geraldclayton #gregtardy #herbertpirker #jonathanblake #lizzwright #petermadsen #raphaelpreuschl
“Big Log” by Viktor Krauss (2004)
I was not aware of this cover of the #RobertPlant hit until this morning.
Music: it’s a bottomless well of wonder and discovery, eh?
Krauss covered it on his album Far From Enough with sister Alison – who recorded Raising Sand with Plant three years later – on vocals.
And, as if that weren’t enough - that’s the brilliant #BillFrisell on guitar.
#nowplaying #robertplant #billfrisell #viktorkrauss #alisonkrauss
Saturday listening
#MattChamberlain #BillFrisell #TuckerMartine #LeeTownsend #Floratone #ambient #jazz #music
#mattchamberlain #billfrisell #tuckermartine #leetownsend #floratone #ambient #jazz #music
#CDFriday with #BillFrisell, #KermitDriscoll, and #JoeyBaron recorded live in 1991.
#cdfriday #billfrisell #kermitdriscoll #joeybaron
Selected recordings of Bill Frisell’s “Strange Meeting”. #111Words #BillFrisell #StrangeMeeting #Music #Jazz
#jazz #music #strangemeeting #billfrisell #111words
Bill Frisell/Thomas Morgan at Moods, Zurich, April 25, 2023. Opening with a gorgeous slow-motion deconstruction of "Save the Last Dance for Me", the first set included a great "Days of Wine and Roses". The second was more engaged, incl. Monk's "Well You Needn't", which was followed by Strayhorn's "Lush Life". I think I also picked up some Bacharach on the way? The swampy encore segued into "On a Clear Day", I think.
#inconcert #billfrisell #thomasmorgan #musicagainstmadness
Bill Frisell and Thelonious Monk’s “Misterioso”. #111Words #BillFrisell #ThomasMorgan #Misterioso #TheloniousMonk #RonCarter #PaulMotian #JoeLovano #Jazz #Music
#music #jazz #JoeLovano #paulmotian #roncarter #theloniousmonk #misterioso #thomasmorgan #billfrisell #111words
Bill Frisell plays “The Weight”.
Craig Taborn - piano
Greg Osby - alto sax
Rudy Royston - drums
#music #jazz #TheBand #theweight #billfrisell
Bill Frisell’s “Small Town” as a one-minute song and a nine-minute improvisation. #111Words #BillFrisell #Disfarmer #SmallTown #Music #Jazz #ThomasMorgan
#thomasmorgan #jazz #music #smalltown #disfarmer #billfrisell #111words
Bill Frisell’s recordings of music from movies, especially John Barry’s “James Bond” music. #111Words #BillFrisell #JohnBarry #JamesBond #MovieMusic #Music #Jazz #JohnZorn #ThomasMorgan
#thomasmorgan #johnzorn #jazz #music #MovieMusic #jamesbond #JohnBarry #billfrisell #111words
Charles Lloyd Chapel Trio w/Bill Frisell & Thomas Morgan (snippet) - 2023-04-01 - Big Ears Festival
#charleslloyd #billfrisell #thomasmorgan
Bill Frisell and Thomas Morgan in Basel on 23 April 2023. #111Words #BillFrisell #ThomasMorgan #Jazz #Music #StadtcasinoBasel #OffbeatJazzBasel #JazzFestivalBasel
#jazzfestivalbasel #offbeatjazzbasel #stadtcasinobasel #music #jazz #thomasmorgan #billfrisell #111words
I love Frisell's playing. He says so much with so few notes.
#dylancovers #billfrisell #guitar