Yes, I'm satirizing a real headline here, but, alas, from personal experience I can tell you that if you want to spot billing errors from medical places, you do need to take on a second job. 😩
This is the #supidity of the system under which we live in the #USA.
#health #HealthCare #HealthCareBilling #billing #BillingError #USHealthCare #idiots #SecondJob #accountant #satire
#supidity #usa #health #healthcare #healthcarebilling #billing #billingerror #ushealthcare #idiots #secondjob #accountant #satire
"Starbucks Finally Responds After Couple Was Charged $4,000 For Two Coffees."
#StarbucksBill #StarbucksGlitch #Starbucks
#StarbucksError #NetworkGlitch #Glitches
#StarbucksOverbilling #StarbucksOvercharge
#Technology #TechnologyGlitches #BillError
#BillingError #BillingMistake #BillingFauxPas
#TulsaOklahoma #Tulsa #Oklahoma #Yikes
#yikes #oklahoma #tulsa #tulsaoklahoma #billingfauxpas #billingmistake #billingerror #billerror #technologyglitches #Technology #starbucksovercharge #starbucksoverbilling #glitches #networkglitch #starbuckserror #starbucks #starbucksglitch #starbucksbill