@servelan “Extinction Rebellion has pledged to target the super wealthy, saying they want to make it clear that “the rich and their leisure activities that waste essential resources are a luxury that we cannot afford.” #BillionairesShouldNotExist.
Tired Of Inflation? Try This!
#eattherich #taxtherich #antifascist #fuckcorporategreed #fuckaroundandfindout #leftist #housingforall #billionairesshouldnotexist #reels #reel #reelsinstagram #hotelindustrylife #hotelemployeelife #hotelemployeeproblems #funnyvid #funnyvids #funnyreel #funnyvideo #funnyvideos #comedyvid #comedyvideos #comedyvideo #comedyvids #fightforalivingwage #fightfor15
#EatTheRich #taxtherich #antifascist #fuckcorporategreed #fuckaroundandfindout #leftist #housingforall #billionairesshouldnotexist #Reels #reel #reelsinstagram #hotelindustrylife #hotelemployeelife #hotelemployeeproblems #funnyvid #funnyvids #funnyreel #funnyvideo #FunnyVideos #comedyvid #comedyvideos #comedyvideo #comedyvids #fightforalivingwage #fightfor15
If all #billionaires were like #stocktonrush, the world would be a much better place. #oceangate #titanic #submarine #submersible #catostrophic #implosion #Anticapitalist #anticapitalism #communusm #eattherich #taxtherich #nomorebillionaires #socialism #leftist #anarchism #marxism #liberal #democrats #democraticsocialism #onepercent #98percent #orcas #organizedlabor #yachts #orcarevolution #politics #iowa #billionairesshouldnotexist
#billionaires #stocktonrush #oceangate #titanic #submarine #submersible #catostrophic #implosion #anticapitalist #anticapitalism #communusm #eattherich #taxtherich #NoMoreBillionaires #socialism #leftist #anarchism #marxism #liberal #democrats #democraticsocialism #onepercent #98percent #orcas #organizedlabor #yachts #orcarevolution #politics #iowa #billionairesshouldnotexist
@matz @juglugs like make all the billions pay their taxes. #BillionairesShouldNotExist #billionairesAreGREEDY
#billionairesshouldnotexist #billionairesaregreedy
It’s absolutely perfect that a main plot reveal in Knives Out: Glass Onion is that billionaires like Elon Musk could really be idiots who hold their positions through a blend of hucksterism and faux-intellectual philosophizing. The film satirizes that billionaires exist thanks to the hard work of others and the support of sycophants. #billionairesshouldnotexist #knivesout It is an entertaining romp and Janelle Monet and Daniel Craig are fantastic.
#knivesout #billionairesshouldnotexist
Some MAGA chud just flew on a private jet to a football match and back, generating an estimated 170 tons of CO₂
How many ICE cars do you have to replace with electric ones to do that? Maybe this guy isn't saving the world after all...
#musk #carbonDioxide #GreeenhouseGasses #BillionairesShouldNotExist #ClimateChange
#musk #carbondioxide #greeenhousegasses #billionairesshouldnotexist #climatechange
#Musk and #freespeech ... yeah, right..
Twitter just banned prominent journalists who cover Elon Musk with no warning | TechCrunch
TL;DR: Musk talks about wanting free speech on Twitter...but only if it does not cover Musk
#billionairesshouldnotexist #freespeech #musk
I seem to have attracted a lot of attention with a recent post, so maybe I should reintroduce. The pinned toot has some hashtags, but also
#anticapitalist #foundfamily #neurodivergent #epicfantasy #indiegamedev #queer #ace #hope #crows #xianxia #learningjapanese #jewishanticolonialist #transwomenarewomen #transmenaremen #depression #anxiety #musician #rpgs #billionairesshouldnotexist #didimentioncrows
Still thinking about that article about the #billionaires buying land for private bunkers in New Zealand in case of disaster.
Like they'll be some post apocalyptic war lord and not starving in a dusty hole until a roving band of pissed off local kiwis drag them out for their stuff.
#billionaires #billionairesshouldnotexist
RT @Bassounov@twitter.com
#ElonMusk (équarrisseur de #Twitter) et #VincentBolloré (propriétaire des marques #Hanouna, #Praud et #Zemmour) démontrent l'immense toxicité des #médiasDesMilliardaires.
Ils doivent être mis hors d'état de nuire.
Ils doivent être expropriés.
#billionairesshouldnotexist #médiasdesmilliardaires #zemmour #praud #hanouna #vincentbolloré #twitter #elonmusk
Billionaires are the Problem not the Solution!
#ElonMuskIsATroll #ElonIsDestroyingTwitter #ElonMusk #ElonIsNoGenius #BillionairesShouldNotExist
#billionairesshouldnotexist #elonisnogenius #ElonMusk #elonisdestroyingtwitter #elonmuskisatroll
Billionaires are the Problem not the Solution!
#ElonMuskIsATroll #ElonIsDestroyingTwitter #ElonMusk #ElonIsNoGenius #BillionairesShouldNotExist
#billionairesshouldnotexist #elonisnogenius #ElonMusk #elonisdestroyingtwitter #elonmuskisatroll