#BigTech #Billionares #SiliconValley #Technocrats: "I call them the Technocrats, in recognition of the influence of the technocracy movement, founded in the 1930s by Elon Musk’s grandfather, Joshua Haldeman. The Technocrats make up a kind of interlocking directorate of Silicon Valley, each investing in or sitting on the boards of the others’ companies. Their vast digital domain controls your personal information; affects how billions of people live, work, and love; and sows online chaos, inciting mob violence and sparking runs on stocks. These four men have long been regarded as technologically progressive heroes, but they are actually part of a broader antidemocratic, authoritarian turn within the tech world, deeply invested in preserving the status quo and in keeping their market-leadership positions or near-monopolies—and their multi-billion-dollar fortunes secure from higher taxes. (“Competition is for suckers,” Thiel once posited.)
Indeed, they are American oligarchs, controlling online access for billions of users on Facebook, Twitter, Threads, Instagram, and WhatsApp, including 80 percent of the US population. Moreover, from the outside, they appear to be more interested in replacing our current reality—and our economic system, imperfect as it is—with something far more opaque, concentrated, and unaccountable, which, if it comes to pass, they will control."
#bigtech #billionares #siliconvalley #technocrats
Hay tantos trastornos.
Por lo tanto creo que se debe definir también un trastorno específico para los súper ricos, algo bien definido.
Clasificando este trastorno como enfermedad grave tal vez se logra meter algunos personajes bien conocidos en el manicomio. Qué les parece? Sugerencias?
#billionarios #billionares #trastorno #fucktherich
@Dammit0 @DrJackBrown #SexWorkers - #Billionares is there a difference in quality or only in scale?
#PublicHealth #PublucHealthSupportsSexWorkers
#sexworkers #billionares #publichealth #publuchealthsupportssexworkers #reallyimnotdissingsexworkersihateendstageacapitalism
How Mega Rich People Like Elon Musk Paid $0 Tax
#news #politics #uspolitics #vicenews #billionares #corporations #taxes
#news #politics #uspolitics #vicenews #billionares #corporations #taxes
#Crime #Capitalism #EatTheRich #Billionares #ElonIsAToilet #Poetry
Check out Emmit Other's poem!
#crime #capitalism #eattherich #billionares #elonisatoilet #poetry
If any #Billionares are reading along and feel slighted, do consider messaging me directly for possible access to my 1-900 number. Some consider my rates extremely reasonable.
With all the #ElonMusk news, I remembered this #Throughline episode I heard a while back, "The New Gilded Age". It relates to #billionares and the #SuperRich, and outlines the history and evolution of American #philanthropy.
It's 50 minutes, but please consider giving it a listen. Great background on how we got to where we are.
My takeaway is that billionaires, philanthropy, and #foundations are anti-democratic.
#AntiDemocratic #Twitter #GatesFoundation #BillGates
#ElonMusk #Throughline #billionares #superrich #philanthropy #foundations #antidemocratic #twitter #gatesfoundation #BillGates
Give us #solutions, please!
You list the *symptoms, then ask the weak to do something.
The true cause is that politicians are beholden to big donors, whether #wallstreet or #billionares, and it is very human to feel obligated when given gifts. Especially big ones.
Remove #bigmoney from #politics, make politicians beholden to the voters again. Even the Democrats don't have the stomach for that, sadly.
Think of a solution for the money problem, how to reverse or work around the #Citizensunited decision. Then advise those that could make it happen.
#Bellyaching about what is, when politicians act like, well... politicians, without laying out a plan annoys your audience and frustrates the preacher.
#solutions #wallstreet #billionares #bigmoney #politics #citizensunited #bellyaching
This tells you all that is wrong with the very wealthy owning #news and #socialmedia platforms. Information is a public good. #elon #billionares
RT @MikeSington@twitter.com
Elon Musk admits HE will decide who and what is on Twitter: “We’re going to do a content council, but it’s an advisory council. At the end of the day, it will be me deciding. Obviously I could choose who’s on that content council, and I don’t need to listen to what they say.”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MikeSington/status/1595039495178575872
#news #socialmedia #elon #billionares