If you want #EricBogosian #monologues to bide you over (if unable to watch that Selected Shorts #Tribeca event as I likely will be), have a 100 Monologues with many, many great #actors performing some.
#MichaelStuhlbarg is 89. The Quiet Man. Do watch. He's (always) wonderful. 💯 #SebastianStan #VincentDOnofrio #AnsonMount #PeterDinklage #BillyCrudup #SamRockwell #BillIrwin some other names. Go check it out.
#ericbogosian #monologues #tribeca #actors #michaelstuhlbarg #sebastianstan #vincentdonofrio #ansonmount #peterdinklage #billycrudup #samrockwell #billirwin
The @spoileralertmov cast including #JimParsons @BenAldridge_ #BillIrwin and writer @MichaelAusiello talk about working together, getting it right, and how the book and movie are a true love letter to life. Listen to them here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4YqzNZtvi6YA7E3t0EaJdk?si=fFIax_vRQYyFTVQW_t1xAA