On our Commentary Page: #WisFOIC President #billlueders sounds the alarm about the attack on #WausauPilot & its founder #ShereenSiewert as a politician unhappy with their reporting tries to shut them up.
#wisfoic #billlueders #wausaupilot #shereensiewert
#BillLueders explains why it's a mistake to say liberals are taking over the Wisconsin Supreme Court for the first time in 15 years
New this morning from contributor #BillLueders: As a law student at Regent University #JusticeDanKelly wrote that all law comes from God - and therefore is unchanging.
Scoop from #BillLueders on #WisconsinSupremeCourt hopeful #DanKelly's explanation to a #GOP audience why he's not sure about endorsing his conservative rival #RebeccaDorow if she's a primary winner.
#billlueders #wisconsinsupremecourt #dankelly #gop #rebeccadorow
#BillLueders remembers his mom and the fight against her nursing home eviction in her last days