My review of season 2, episode 2 of Babylon 5 – Revelations #AndreaThompson #AndreasKatsulas #Babylon5 #BillMumy #BruceBoxleitner #ClaudiaChristian #EdWasser #JerryDoyle #MiraFurlan #PeterJurasik #RichardBiggs #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision
#andreathompson #andreaskatsulas #babylon5 #billmumy #bruceboxleitner #claudiachristian #edwasser #jerrydoyle #mirafurlan #peterjurasik #richardbiggs #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision
My review of Babylon 5: Points of Departure – New Season, New Characters #Babylon5 #BillMumy #BruceBoxleitner #ClaudiaChristian #JMichaelStraczynski #MiraFurlan #RichardGrove #RobertFoxworth #RobinSachs #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision
#babylon5 #billmumy #bruceboxleitner #claudiachristian #jmichaelstraczynski #mirafurlan #richardgrove #robertfoxworth #robinsachs #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision
My review of Babylon 5: Chrysalis – Jump Point to the Rest of the Series #AndreasKatsulas #Babylon5 #BillMumy #CaitlinBrown #ClaudiaChristian #EdWasser #JMichaelStraczynski #JerryDoyle #MichaelOHare #MiraFurlan #PeterJurasik #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision
#andreaskatsulas #babylon5 #billmumy #caitlinbrown #claudiachristian #edwasser #jmichaelstraczynski #jerrydoyle #michaelohare #mirafurlan #peterjurasik #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision
My review of The Twilight Zone: Volume 9 – Terrific Stories, Needs More Extras #BillMumy #BuddyEbsen #ClorisLeachman #RodSerling #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #TwilightZone #WilliamShatner
#billmumy #buddyebsen #clorisleachman #rodserling #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #twilightzone #williamshatner
58 years ago today:
The Virginian
S3E28: Old Cowboy
An older man, Murdoch (Franchot Tone), and his young grandson Willie (Billy Mumy), arrive at Medicine Bow on foot. Much to the Virginian's chagrin, Trampas feels sorry for Murdoch and offers him a job at Shiloh. Murdoch's ineptitude causes several problems, and he begins to resent his grandson's adm...
Airdate: 1965-03-31
#TheVirginian #BillMumy #DougMcClure #NBC #ClassicTV
#thevirginian #billmumy #dougmcclure #nbc #classictv
My review of The Twilight Zone: Volume 5 – Humanity’s Relationships in Four Character-Driven Pieces #BillMumy #JackWarden #RayBradbury #RodSerling #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #TedKnight #TwilightZone
#billmumy #jackwarden #raybradbury #rodserling #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #tedknight #twilightzone
“For me, #LostInSpace was the perfect experience. As an actor, and as a kid."
#BillMumy is 69 today.
#BornOnThisDay #ClassicTV #1960s #1960sTV #Nostalgia #BillyMumy #TwilightZone
#twilightzone #billymumy #nostalgia #1960stv #1960s #classictv #bornonthisday #billmumy #lostinspace