ASTEROID CITY der neue Film von Wes Anderson läuft bei uns ab Do 17.8. in OmU und DF.
Für alle, die nicht ins Kino gehen wollen, weil #billmurray es nicht in den Film schaffte, weil er an Covid-19 erkrankte, hier ein kleiner Trost
und dann trotzdem ins #Kino gehen 😃!
One of my favorite film, Groundhog Day
Today, July 31, on the eve of his vacation to rural New Hampshire, Dr. Leo Marvin meets a newly referred patient, Bob Wiley (What About Bob?, 1991)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #BillMurray #WhatAboutBob #Comedy
#movies #film #cinemastodon #letterboxd #billmurray #whataboutbob #comedy
Tonight’s #cultmovie, Lost In Translation, Sofia Coppola, 2003.
#billmurray #IndieMovies #cultmovie
Commedia di #SofiaCoppola gradevole, ma senza grandi spunti.
Ha il pregio di non cadere nell'assurdo ( come succede spesso nelle commedie negli ultimi anni) e di strappare qualche sorriso con #BillMurray, che non si discute.
📝Voto: 6
"On the rocks" di Sofia Coppola, 96minuti, 2020.
#ontherocks #sofiacoppola #billmurray #cinema #film #18luglio #cinemastodon #cineitalia
#MLB #Baseball
Via Super 70s Sports @super70ssports
Not saying we should've caught on to #MarkMcGwire 's steroid usage sooner, but perhaps the fact #BillMurray once had a better upper body was a clue.
#mlb #baseball #markmcgwire #billmurray
33 years ago:
Quick Change (US)
With the aid of his girlfriend, Phyllis Potter, and best friend, Loomis, Grimm enters a Manhattan bank dressed as a clown, creates a hostage situation and executes a flawless robbery. The only thing left for the trio to do is make their getaway out of the city and to the airport. It sounds simple en...
#QuickChange #HowardFranklin #BillMurray #GeenaDavis #RandyQuaid #Movies
#quickchange #howardfranklin #billmurray #geenadavis #randyquaid #movies
New Yorker: The Missing Bill Murray Part from “Asteroid City” #NewYorker #Culture/CultureDesk #JasonSchwartzman #WesAnderson #BillMurray #Trailers #Film
#newyorker #Culture #jasonschwartzman #WesAnderson #billmurray #trailers #Film
On June 24, 2004, Lost in Translation debuted in Slovakia. Here’s some Bill Murray art to celebrate!
#LostInTranslation #SofiaCoppola #BillMurray #RomanticComedy RomanticDrama #IndieFilm #2000sMovies #ComedyDrama #TrashArt #FanArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#lostintranslation #sofiacoppola #billmurray #romanticcomedy #indiefilm #2000smovies #comedydrama #trashart #FanArt #art #movieart #moviehistory
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Kelis Addresses Bill Murray Rumor: ‘Everyone’s Dumb…We Are Both Blessed, Rich, and Happy’ #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #lukegulbranson #williammurray #humaninterest #foodanddrink #arianamadix #billmurray #johnnydepp #ezramiller #milkshake #danielwai #billmuray #musicians #singers #likeyou #grammy #kelis #rich #tom
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #lukegulbranson #williammurray #humaninterest #foodanddrink #arianamadix #billmurray #johnnydepp #ezramiller #milkshake #danielwai #billmuray #musicians #singers #likeyou #grammy #kelis #rich #tom
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Well, Huh! Kelis and Bill Murray Are Reportedly an Item #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #jenniferbutler #humaninterest #entertainers #robertdeniro #taylorswift #shawnmendes #kelismurray #billmurray #amyschumer #milkshake #musicians #mikemora #singers #lucyliu #murray #kelis #mazel #elon
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #jenniferbutler #humaninterest #entertainers #robertdeniro #taylorswift #shawnmendes #kelismurray #billmurray #amyschumer #milkshake #musicians #mikemora #singers #lucyliu #murray #kelis #mazel #elon
“The more relaxed you are, the better you are at everything: the better you are with your loved ones, the better you are with enemies, the better you are at your job, the better you are with yourself.” — Bill Murray
43 years ago:
Where the Buffalo Roam (US)
Semi-biographical film based on the experiences of gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson.
#WheretheBuffaloRoam #BillMurray #PeterBoyle #BrunoKirby #Universal #Movies
#wherethebuffaloroam #billmurray #peterboyle #brunokirby #universal #movies
“Veinticuatro horas al día, siete días por semana, no hay encargo lo bastante difícil ni factura lo bastante alta.“
- Venkman, Ghostbusters (1984)
#Ghostbusters #loscazafantasmas #BillMurray #DanAykroyd #SigourneyWeaver #HaroldRamis #RickMoranis #ErnieHudson #IvanReitman
#ghostbusters #loscazafantasmas #billmurray #danaykroyd #sigourneyweaver #haroldramis #rickmoranis #erniehudson #ivanreitman
#Bales2023FilmChallenge April 14 - Dolphin seen in movie
"I'm sick of those dolphins ..."
Going with The Life Aquatic for today's prompt! Here's some Bill Murray fan art!
#TheLifeAquatic #BillMurray #FanArt #CineMastodon #FilmMastodon
#bales2023filmchallenge #thelifeaquatic #billmurray #FanArt #cinemastodon #FilmMastodon
Groundhog Day but on #Easter. And #BillMurray wakes up every day to fight a zombie named Jesus.
RT @MichaelWarbur17: The T.V. Commercial
#BillMurray #DanAykroyd #HaroldRamis
#haroldramis #danaykroyd #billmurray
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou #Aquarium as imagined by me and #aiart #mikedrop #SYS64738 You're welcome Internets! #TeamZissou #BillMurray
#aquarium #aiart #mikedrop #sys64738 #teamzissou #billmurray