"Blue Moon" is a #popularSong written by #RichardRodgers and #LorenzHart in 1934 that has become a #standard #ballad. Early recordings included those by #ConneeBoswell and by #AlBowlly in 1935. The song was a hit twice in 1949, with successful recordings in the U.S. by #BillyEckstine and #MelTormé. In 1961, "Blue Moon" became an international number-one hit for the #doowop group #theMarcels, on the Billboard 100 chart and in the #UKSinglesChart.
#popularsong #richardrodgers #lorenzhart #standard #ballad #conneeboswell #albowlly #billyeckstine #meltorme #doowop #themarcels #uksingleschart
"Blue Moon" is a #popularSong written by #RichardRodgers and #LorenzHart in #1934 that has become a #standard #ballad. Early recordings included those by #ConneeBoswell and by #AlBowlly in 1935. The song was a hit twice in 1949, with successful recordings in the U.S. by #BillyEckstine and #MelTormé. In 1961, "Blue Moon" became an international number-one hit for the #doowop group #theMarcels, on the Billboard 100 chart and in the #UKSinglesChart.
#popularsong #richardrodgers #lorenzhart #standard #ballad #conneeboswell #albowlly #billyeckstine #meltorme #doowop #themarcels #uksingleschart
#DemandezLeProgramme #jazz :
Birdland Stars of '57 - Masonic Temple - Detroit : #BillyEckstine , #CountBasie and his Orchestra featuring #JoeWilliams , #SarahVaughan , #BudPowell Trio, Phineas Newborn jr. Quartet, #ChetBaker , #LesterYoung , #ZootSims , Jimmy Jones, #RoyHaynes , Richard Davis, #TerryGibbs Quartet featuring Terry Pollard, Seldon Powell, Rolf Kühn
#demandezleprogramme #jazz #billyeckstine #countbasie #joewilliams #sarahvaughan #budpowell #chetbaker #lesteryoung #zootsims #royhaynes #terrygibbs
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #Jazz #BillyEckstine
OMG, that baritone. DJs at segregated radio stations refused to play his music after a photo of him being mobbed by white teen girls was published in Life magazine.
Tenderly - Billy Eckstine
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #jazz #billyeckstine
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #JToZ
Billy Eckstine:
🎵 Oop Bop Sh'bam
#nowplaying #JToZ #billyeckstine
#MoodForMusic #newport #SoulSessions 1972 #live #BBKing #RobertaFlack #DizzyGillespie #BillyEckstine #LesMcCann #HerbieMann #CurtisMayfield #vinyl #NowSpinning #plattodon
#moodformusic #newport #soulsessions #live #bbking #RobertaFlack #dizzygillespie #billyeckstine #lesmccann #herbiemann #curtismayfield #vinyl #NowSpinning #plattodon