evening loop: Caribbean Queen
She dashed by me, in painted on jeans …
Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car
"Love Is Forever" is the final track from #LoveZone, the 1986 album by #BillyOcean. The song was written by Ocean along with #BarryEastmond and Wayne Braithwaite and was the last of his three number ones on the #AdultContemporary chart. "Love Is Forever" spent three weeks at number one and peaked at number 16 on the Billboard Hot 100. "Love Is Forever" also peaked at number 10 on the soul chart.
#lovezone #billyocean #barryeastmond #adultcontemporary
When The Going Gets Tough (The Tough Get Going)
"Caribbean Queen (No More Love on the Run)" is a 1984 song by #Trinidadian-#British singer #BillyOcean. Co-written and produced by #KeithDiamond, it climbed to #numberOne on both the US Billboard Hot 100 chart and the Billboard #BlackSinglesChart, and number six in the #UKSinglesChart. The song won Ocean the #1985GrammyAward for #BestMaleR_BVocalPerformance, making him the first British artist to win in that category. The song is written.
#trinidadian #british #billyocean #keithdiamond #numberone #blacksingleschart #uksingleschart #1985grammyaward #bestmaler_bvocalperformance
When The Going Gets Tough (The Tough Get Going)
"Love Is Forever" is the final track from #LoveZone, the 1986 album by #BillyOcean. The song was written by Ocean along with #BarryEastmond and Wayne Braithwaite and was the last of his three number ones on the #AdultContemporary chart. "Love Is Forever" spent three weeks at number one and peaked at number 16 on the Billboard Hot 100. "Love Is Forever" also peaked at number 10 on the soul chart.
#lovezone #billyocean #barryeastmond #adultcontemporary
There'll Be Sad Songs (To Make You Cry)
"Get Outta My Dreams, Get into My Car" is a song by Trinidadian-British pop singer Billy Ocean, based on a line in the Sherman Brothers' song "You're Sixteen". It was released as the first single from Ocean's seventh studio album, Tear Down These Walls (1988). Part of its popularity lay in its cutting-edge (for the time) music video, which features animation mixed with live-action sequences.
Here a wee poll aboot gesserant chanter Billy Watter. Whilk o thir bonnie sangs dae ye think is his bestest?
Gie it a wee boost an aw 👍
Sooo had a bad couple of weeks but have been checking in on what's been happening on #BlackFriday of course and #BHM. So gifting you a song by the #BrothersJohnson that you can guarantee to find me dancing off beat to anytime (this or any number of #BillyOcean songs). Warning: It can be a bit of an earworm.
#BlackFriday #BlackJoy #BlackMusic #BlackMastodon #Stomp #BrothersJohnson even... #DoNotAskMeHowOldIReallyAm
#brothersjohnson #donotaskmehowoldireallyam #stomp #BlackMastodon #blackmusic #blackjoy #billyocean #bhm #blackfriday
I had a little walk into town today to see how my borked knee was recovering, & heard Billy Ocean’s “Caribbean Queen,” playing from a building site. Cue earworm.
Then I saw this young man, and my brain created this:
Halloween jeans,
This must be a terrible dream,
And your heart, it beats its last,
Michael Myers moves too fast.
#halloween #michaelmyers #billyocean #sorrynotsorry
Song of the Day January 21 2023
In honor of the birth of Leslie Sebastian Charles aka Billy Ocean
Billy Ocean - “Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car”
#SongOfTheDay #SOTD #SOTD2023 #LeslieSebastianCharles #BillyOcean #GetOuttaMyDreamsGetIntoMyCar #MusicVideo #RichardM.Sherman #RobertB.Sherman #ShermanBrothers #You'reSixteen
#songoftheday #sotd #sotd2023 #lesliesebastiancharles #billyocean #getouttamydreamsgetintomycar #musicvideo #richardm #robertb #shermanbrothers #you
Gen X Music Lover: Billy Ocean - Get Outta My Dreams, Get into My Car
#1980s, #1988, #80smusic, #BillyOcean, #DancePop, #randb
#1980s #80smusic #billyocean #dancepop #randb
Gen X Music Lover: Billy Ocean - Caribbean Queen
#1980s, #1984, #80smusic, #BillyOcean, #Funk, #Pop, #PostDisco
#1980s #80smusic #billyocean #funk #pop #postdisco