Version 1.7 of #Stata #bimap package is now out which introduced a much requested feature: support for discrete variables.
More info and examples on #GitHub:
I will upload the map next week on #GitHub after fixing some minor geography issues.
For "getcensus" three useful threads:
RT @narixyoo
Thanks to @asjadnaqvi, we can easily create bivariate maps in @Stata using #bimap package. Here is the step-by-step guide!…
Adding two more #Stata #cartogram #maps for the #USA. The geography is based on the #NYTimes version.
Data is extracted from the #ACS 2021 population estimates using the #getcensus package. Right map uses the new version of #bimap.
#Stata #cartogram #maps #usa #nytimes #acs #getcensus #bimap
The #Stata #bimap package is less than a year old but, this is one of the most used ones. Thank you for all the feedback and comments and suggestions for upgrades! Keep sending them.
RT @asjadnaqvi
Dropping a new @Stata package "bimap" for #bivariate #maps:
ssc install bimap, replace
and then simply:
bimap vary varx using shapefile, cut(option) palette(option)
Check it out!!
#dataviz #Stataviz
#Stata #bimap #bivariate #maps #dataviz #stataviz
One also define any custom color (as names or Hex codes) for starting, last x-axis, and last y-axis #bimap categories, and let the program engine do the rest:
bimap share_afam share_hisp using county_shp2, palette(bluered) clr0(yellow) bins(6) values
One can define any custom set of cut-offs for one or both #bimap axes and show exact scaling of the cutoffs:
bimap share_afam share_hisp using county_shp2, palette(bluered) ///
bins(4) values cutx(10 25 45 75) cuty(10 20 40 50)binsproper
New #bimap palettes can generate any number of bins including color swaps:
bimap share_afam share_hisp using county_shp2, palette(yellowblue) values count bins(6)
bimap share_afam share_hisp using county_shp2, palette(yellowblue) values count bins(6) reverse
A comparison between old (L) & the new #bimap palettes (R):
// old. 3x3 pre-defined
bimap share_afam share_hisp using county_shp2, palette(pinkgreen0) values count
// new. Auto generated
bimap share_afam share_hisp using county_shp2, palette(pinkgreen) values count
#bimap v1.6 @Stata package is now out. Major release with the following upgrades:
- Scalable bins.
- Customize bins.
- Customize colors.
- Dynamic legends.
- Proper spacing of legend bins.
- Several quality of life improvements
Install from GitHub:
Oh wow nice! Check @gahwan_yoo's blog posts on how to use and map ACS data in @Stata:
I also did a review of the #getcensus command here:
RT @gahwan_yoo
Thanks to @asjadnaqvi, we can easily create bivariate maps in @Stata using #bimap package. Here is the step-by-step guide! The sample bivariate map on …
RT @steveklwong
#bimap is a very cool package by @asjadnaqvi. Finally get my hand on it! #Stata
Verion 1.5 of :stata: #bimap is now out:
Bug fixes, more colors, one can now fully add customized legends, scale bars, arrows, etc.