I was interested in how #Apple had designed their "universal binaries", which are #binaries that can run on multiple architectures, so I did some research on how they work. They are surprisingly simple, almost disappointingly so. I wrote more details here:
Auch auf Deutsch.
#Apple #binaries #macos #programming #osdev #c #deutsch
This #advanced technique is quite interesting! Stealing RAM by freezing the #chip and #cloning the module using a purpose-made #robot to extract the #binaries? I mean, come on. How fucking cool is that! https://www.tomshardware.com/news/robot-steals-ram-data-by-freezing
#advanced #chip #cloning #robot #binaries #hacking #robotics #cyberresearch #1337h4x
You don't need to download the #android #sdk #binaries from #google .
You can compile the #sdk by yourself from the source code to write #android #apps.
Check this repository at #codeberg , it will do the job for you.
All you need are the scripts from this #repo , 32 GB #ram , approx. 300 GB free disk space and some patience.
Then, you can start coding for #android without the proprietary #sdk binaries from #google!
#ram #repo #codeberg #apps #google #binaries #sdk #reminder #developer #android
🐇 Happy #LunarNewYear! Strive to be clever like a rabbit, and get some #SundayReading in today. Here is “#Pigaios: A Tool for #Diffing Source Codes against #Binaries”, by our instructor Joxean Koret (@joxean)!
#lunarnewyear #Sundayreading #pigaios #diffing #binaries
Was macht man so an Weihnachten? Richtig, das #android #sdk selbst aus den Quellen compilieren, um nicht von den (proprietären) #binaries von G***le abhängig zu sein.
Mit #sdk 31 & 32 (aka #android 12.0 und 12L) bin ich erfolgreich durch, mit 33 (aka #android 13) kämpfe ich noch.
Wenn ich dazu komme, stelle ich die #baurezepte später auf #codeberg ein.
#codeberg #baurezepte #binaries #sdk #android
Would you install pre-built #binaries from the author, if their #source is available elsewhere? (#opensource)
Redoing it cause the previous seem to have broken after an edit.
#binaries #source #opensource #boost #poll
Would you install pre-built #binaries from the author, if their #source is available elsewhere? (#opensource)
Please #boost
#binaries #source #opensource #boost
Dumb Question, and I'm sure it's been asked before, but is there a repo somewhere of trivially exploitable *nix binaries for testing/demo purposes? Preferably with Makefiles
that disable all of the fancy mitigations.
#appsec #exploitation #exploitdev #binaries
#appsec #exploitation #exploitdev #binaries
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2022-06-formation-evolution-massive-binaries-mechanism.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2022-06-formation-evolution-massive-binaries-mechanism.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/physorg_com/status/1537820572767354882#m
Formation and evolution of massive #binaries may share the same mechanism in #MilkyWay and Andromeda galaxies @RoyalAstroSoc @AAS_Publishing https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/514/1/1206/6604595 https://phys.org/news/2022-06-formation-evolution-massive-binaries-mechanism.html
#EclipseFoundation eröffnet Marktplatz für geprüfte Binärdateien.
Die Adoptium-Arbeitsgruppe hat zusammen mit der #Eclipse Foundation ein Angebot für zertifizierte und getestete #Java-#Binaries eröffnet, den Adoptium Marketplace. ...
#java #ökosystem #eclipsefoundation #eclipse #binaries
Plein de binaires qui peuvent faciliter la vie :
#linux #binaries
#GNU #Guix reduces bootstrap seed by 50%! In other words, the size of
#binaries at the root of its package graph has been halved to ~250MB
Now landed on master!
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#Home #qmp #quick_mesh project #quick #mesh #project #router #routing #wifi #wi-fi #manet #network #networks #bmx #bmx6 #batman #batman_experimental #ipv6 #open_source #openwrt #download #firmware #binary #binaries
#home #qmp #quick_mesh #quick #mesh #project #router #routing #wifi #wi #manet #network #networks #bmx #bmx6 #batman #batman_experimental #ipv6 #open_source #openwrt #download #firmware #binary #binaries