Grrr, one thing that annoys me is forgetting to put bin out for collection. I knew I had to do it last night, but it was raining, so I thought, I'll give it an hour, wait for rain to stop. Completely forgot, until I saw everyone else's bins put this morning #thingsiforgettodo #bincollection
#thingsiforgettodo #bincollection
Grrr, one thing that annoys me is forgetting to put bin out for collection. I knew I had to do it last night, but it was raining, so I thought, I'll give it an hour, wait for rain to stop. Completely forgot, until I saw everyone else's bins put this morning #thingsiforgettodo #bincollection
#thingsiforgettodo #bincollection
@Debhruin #StandardOperatingPractice for right-wing governments: #defund, then #privatise - we saw the same happening with our #BinCollection and #Housing and now #Health
#standardoperatingpractice #DEFUND #privatise #bincollection #housing #health