Hellow le fédiverse ! Avec le groupe local du Planning dont je fais partis, on recherche des patrons pour coudre des binders ou des trucs du genre, avec si possibles des explications sur le tissu à utiliser et tout, quelqu'un aurais ça sous la main ?
Le RT est fort bienvenu !
Edit : Si vous avez aussi des idées de trucs chouette à coudre pour les personnes trans, nb et cie, ça nous intéresse aussi ! :blobcatheart: :sparkletrans:
#couture #binder #trans
I learn something new almost every day.
Today: "I, Robot" was published in Amazing Stories in 1939 - By Eando Binder - and was a story about a Robot named Adam Link.
Now, I've seen some part of the Adam Link stories from The Outerlimits.
What I didn't know the more famous "I, Robot" by Asimov was more of an Anthology. And Asimov was inspired by The original "I, Robot"/Adam Link stories.
#IRobot #Learn #new #AmazingStories #Asimov #Binder #ShortStories #Robot #AI
#ai #robot #shortstories #binder #asimov #amazingstories #new #learn #irobot
Added an announcement to the top of the #GLAMWorkbench noting the current difficulties with the public #Binder service. The good news is that local alternatives are on their way!
Ahnenforschung: Amerikaner suchen Verwandtschaft in Bisingen
#Bisingen. Die Nachfahren des 1885 ausgewanderten Bisingers Severin Binder haben die Kirchspielgemeinde jüngst besucht. Der Kontakt zum Heimatverein kam über einen kuriosen Umweg zustande.
#Ahnenforschung #Binder #SchwarzwälderBote #Zollernalb
#bisingen #ahnenforschung #binder #schwarzwalderbote #zollernalb
Check out my latest release on Zazzle.com
Seascape (customizable) mug
Just $18.55 !
#Seascape (customizable) #Binder 🌊 Feel free to replace the text with your name, or whatever fits (what you see is what you get). More items with this design: www.zazzle.com/aura2000/seascape
I have now been using a binder for a whole year. It's not for everyone, but for me it's been liberating. #nonbinary #enbie #enby #transmasc #genderfluid #trans #binder
#nonbinary #enbie #enby #transmasc #genderfluid #trans #binder
Check out my latest release on Zazzle.com
Seascape Binder (text customizable)
Just $28.70 !
#Seascape (customizeble) #Binder 🌊 Feel free to replace the text on front and spine with yours, as long as it fits (what you see is what you get). More items with this design: www.zazzle.com/aura2000/seascape
EFFETTO PEDROSA - Dani, un grande ex, torna da protagonista e la coppia #KTM Brad #Binder-Jack #Miller sbaraglia la #MotoGP Sprint di Jerez. Solo un caso o clamoroso "effetto sveglia?" https://www.corsedimoto.com/motomondiale/motogp-dani-pedrosa-da-la-sveglia-in-ktm-binder-e-miller-volano/
KTM CHE STANGATA - La #MotoGP Sprint del GP Spagna è tutta arancio: vince Brad #Binder e Dani #Pedrosa... va ancora fortissimo! Cronaca e classifiche. https://www.corsedimoto.com/motomondiale/motogp-jerez-ktm-sprint-scatenato-trionfa-brad-binder/
Noticias sobre Python y Datos de la semana, episodio 75 🐍⚙️
En resumen: Versiones nuevas de CausalNex, Pillow, Ray, y Prefect, dashboards sin backend con stlite y voici, cruzando el antimeridiano sin dramas, y malos tiempos para Binder.
Apoya el noticiero suscribiéndote por correo 📬
#causalnex #pillow #ray #prefect #streamlit #dashboards #gis #binder #euroscipy #python #pydata #noticieropythonydatos
#causalnex #pillow #ray #prefect #streamlit #dashboards #gis #binder #euroscipy #python #PyData #noticieropythonydatos
MOTOMONDIALE - Stefano #Nepa disputerà il GP Jerez, Darryn #Binder invece no. E gli altri? Tutte le idoneità #Moto2 e #Moto3 per questo round. https://www.corsedimoto.com/motomondiale/nepa-ce-binder-no-e-gli-altri-gli-idonei-moto2-moto3-per-il-gp-jerez/
MOTO2 - Darryn #Binder è incappato in un infortunio alla mano destra nel corso del GP #Moto2 ad Austin. È già stato operato, tempi di recupero da valutare. https://www.corsedimoto.com/motomondiale/moto2-darryn-binder-operato-ed-in-recupero-ci-sara-a-jerez/
✨Où l’on parle d’intelligence artificielle et de cartographie pour tester la lisibilité d’une composition cartographique ? C’est dans #Neocarto & by @ljegou
#cartostats #discretisation #valeur #intensite #cartogramme #python #binder #test #IA
🔗 https://neocarto.hypotheses.org/18330
#neocarto #cartostats #discretisation #valeur #intensite #cartogramme #python #binder #test #ia
SPRINT BINDER - Brad #Binder ha vinto la #MotoGP Sprint in Argentina con una partenza a fionda e una grande resistenza nel finale. Non sottovalutatelo... https://www.corsedimoto.com/motomondiale/motogp-sprint-binder-li-beffa-tutti-non-ero-certo-fosse-vero/
MOTOGP, SPRINT SPETTACOLO! - Brad #Binder sorprende e vince davanti ad un super Marco #Bezzecchi. Tempi e cronaca della #MotoGP Sprint. https://www.corsedimoto.com/motomondiale/motogp-argentina-sprint-show-solo-binder-argina-bezzecchi/
Ordered new binders :heartNonbinary:
I throw away all of bra tops when I moved the house. Because I really hated them and I didn’t wear almost. I was used them when going out without jacket. (I just didn’t want to get attention to my chest in public without bra or large jacket)
The binders I ordered are custom made products, not cheap, but I talked owner, the product is not uncomfortable to wear but chest becomes flat well. It has very different shape and used different fabrics from cheap factory products, unnecessary to buy too tight one. There aren’t power net or cottons. I used to wear cheap one so I’m looking forward to new one :blobRave:
Check out my latest release on Zazzle.com
Creativity Collection (customizable) 3 Ring Binder
Just $28.70 !
#Creativity #Collection #Binder - click "Personalize" to edit text on front and spine.
#creativity #collection #binder
Automatisierung von Klassifikationsschema & eAkten – PROJECT CONSULT Blog - Die virtuelle elektronische Akte
#efolder #eAkte #VituelleAkte #Akte #Vorgang #Ordner #Aktenordner #Workflow #Archiv #RecordsMaagement #Aktenverwaltung #Schruiftgutverwaltung #Akt #Binder #file #PCHH #PROJECTCONSULT #Automation #Klassifikation #AI #KI #KünstlicheIntelligenz #ML #Maschinenlernen #Automatisierung #Metadaten #Kategorisierung #Index #Indexierung #Ordnung
#efolder #eakte #vituelleakte #akte #vorgang #ordner #aktenordner #workflow #archiv #recordsmaagement #aktenverwaltung #schruiftgutverwaltung #akt #binder #file #pchh #projectconsult #automation #klassifikation #ai #ki #kunstlicheintelligenz #ml #maschinenlernen #automatisierung #metadaten #kategorisierung #index #indexierung #ordnung