Hmm, interesting that that's enabled bing search bots. Do we think #cloudflare are deliberately blocking #bingbot? What's the benign reason that no one's noticed until now?
Ab 19:00 Uhr - ChatGPT & Co: Künstliche Intelligenz unter der Lupe und wird Social Media kostenpflichtig?
Ohrhäppchen - Der Morning-Cast am späten Nachmittag (Episode 4)
Aktuelle Folge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzUxEosF2fc
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Bing's Image creator is released. Here was my prompt and the result: An ominous figure of the grim reaper draped in chains, but the chains are rainbow colored, and instead of a scythe he's holding a giant lollipop.
#BingBot #GenerativeAI
I think I bored #BingBot talking about cats, that's twice today I've caused an error.
BingBot: First Impressions of Bing’s AI Chatbot. – AI in ESL http://aiinesl.com/bingbot-first-impressions-of-bings-ai-chatbot/
#ChatGPT #Bing #BingBot #AIinEducation #AIinESL
#aiinesl #aiineducation #bingbot #bing #chatgpt
The #BingBot Backfires: https://www.npr.org/2023/02/27/1159630243/how-microsofts-experiment-in-artificial-intelligence-tech-backfired
#ChatGPT #Bing #AI
While waiting for access to #BingBot I am giving this a try https://you.com/