#Filmfest 901 #Cinema #Film #Movies #MovingPicture #TheCountryGirl #GraceKelly #BingCrosby #WilliamHolden #USA1954 #OscarWinner
Ein Mädchen vom Lande (The Country Girl, USA 1954) #Filmfest 901
#filmfest #cinema #film #movies #movingpicture #thecountrygirl #gracekelly #bingcrosby #williamholden #usa1954 #oscarwinner
📬 Plattenfirmen verklagen Internet Archive auf über 400 Millionen Dollar
#Rechtssachen #BillieHoliday #BingCrosby #Capitol #FrankSinatra #Great78Project #InternetArchive #LouisArmstrong #Sony #UMG #Urheberrechtsverletzung https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/rechtssachen/plattenfirmen-verklagen-internet-archive-auf-ueber-400-millionen-dollar-279637.html
#Rechtssachen #billieholiday #bingcrosby #capitol #franksinatra #great78project #internetarchive #louisarmstrong #sony #umg #urheberrechtsverletzung
Sony und Musiklabels verklagen Internet Archive wegen Sinatra-Aufnahmen
Sony Music Entertainment und fünf weitere große Musikunternehmen haben gegen
#Music #News #78erLPs #BillieHoliday #BingCrosby #FrankSinatra #Great78Project #InternetArchive #Klage #LouisArmstrong #MusicModernizationAct #Musiklabels #Schadensersatz #Sinatra #Sony #TheloniousMonk #Urheberrecht #WhiteChristmas
#music #News #78erlps #billieholiday #bingcrosby #franksinatra #great78project #internetarchive #klage #louisarmstrong #musicmodernizationact #musiklabels #schadensersatz #sinatra #sony #theloniousmonk #urheberrecht #whitechristmas
My favourite musical.
Star packed, very funny and I think I'd heard of all the songs before I saw the movie.
Via Neville F Chamberlain @nevillefchambe1
#LouisArmstrong and His Band play themselves with co-stars #BingCrosby, #GraceKelly, #FrankSinatra and #CelesteHolm in the 🇺🇸American musical romantic comedy film “HIGH SOCIETY” (1956) dir. #CharlesWalters
#movies #highsociety #louisarmstrong #bingcrosby #gracekelly #franksinatra #celesteholm #charleswalters
67 years ago today, MGM releases film "High Society", a musical re-working of "The Philadelphia Story" set in Newport, Rhode Island; starring Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly, and Frank Sinatra, with songs by Cole Porter
67 years ago:
High Society (US)
Childhood friends Tracy Lord and C.K. Dexter Haven got married and quickly divorced. Now Tracy is about to marry again, this time to a shrewd social-climbing businessman. C.K. still loves her. Spy magazine blackmails Tracy's family by threatening to reveal her playboy father's exploits if not allowe...
#HighSociety #BingCrosby #GraceKelly #FrankSinatra #MGM #ClassicMovies
#highsociety #bingcrosby #gracekelly #franksinatra #mgm #classicmovies
"Sail Along, Silv'ry Moon" is a song written by #HarryTobias and #PercyWenrich in 1937 and performed by #BingCrosby. It reached #4 on the #USPopChart in 1937. Outside of the US, the song peaked at #1 in Canada, Germany and Norway.
#harrytobias #percywenrich #bingcrosby #uspopchart
Something's Gotta Give
#BingCrosby #BuddyCole_HisTrio
#bingcrosby #buddycole_histrio
Best Bing Crosby/Bob Hope “Road To…” movie? #movies #hollywood #classicfilm #BobHope #bingcrosby #dorothylamour #paramount
#paramount #dorothylamour #bingcrosby #bobhope #classicfilm #hollywood #Movies
After “Double Wedding” (1937), I’ve somehow stumbled into seeing four Bing Crosby films this month. That about doubles my total all-time number. And I’ll probably need to take a Bing break… unless Criterion Channel wants to put the pristine version of “Anything Goes” (1936) that they had last year back online!
#oldhollywood #musicals #bingcrosby
Bing Crosby and Shirley Ross in the Paramount musical “Waikiki Wedding” (1937)
#oldhollywood #musicals #bingcrosby #shirleyross
Bing Crosby and Shirley Ross in the Paramount musical “Waikiki Wedding” (1937)
#oldhollywood #musicals #bingcrosby #shirleyross
Tonight in 1971 — DR. COOK’S GARDEN aired on the ABC MOVIE OF THE WEEK.
#BingCrosby (in his last major role) starred as a murderous country doctor.
#DarkShadows writer Art Wallace wrote this thriller, based on Ira Levin’s play. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT9Da2oG7UA&t=15s #OnThisDay #1970sTV
#1970stv #onthisday #darkshadows #bingcrosby
Tonight in 1971 — DR. COOK’S GARDEN aired on the ABC MOVIE OF THE WEEK.
#BingCrosby (in his last major role) starred as a murderous country doctor.
#DarkShadows writer Art Wallace wrote this thriller, based on Ira Levin’s play. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT9Da2oG7UA&t=15s #OnThisDay #1970sTV
#1970stv #onthisday #darkshadows #bingcrosby
Re-watched “Blue Skies” (1946) for first time in ages—and on blu-ray now! It’s never been one of my favorite Astaire films since it is weighted too heavily on the Bing side. Also, this is not Irving Berlin’s best collection of songs. Nonetheless it’s still quite entertaining.
The commentary on the disc can be skipped. After 30m or so, it wasn’t very informative on back stories. In what little it does have, there are several embarrassing mistakes
#oldhollywood #fredastaire #bingcrosby
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #JazzRecordRequests
Bing Crosby:
🎵 'Tain't So, Honey, 'Tain't So
#nowplaying #JazzRecordRequests #bingcrosby
I didn’t know this—there was a ban on erecting new radio towers during #WW2 that was lifted in 1946. Then there was a flood of new towers and many new radio stations appeared, greatly expanding the exposure and celebrity of #jazz and big band orchestras. It certainly made #BingCrosby and #Sinatra national stars.
#ww2 #jazz #bingcrosby #sinatra