#BinLaden #WTC #NineEleven
maybe 2 years after 9/11, I flew home in August to see my parents in Rochester NY
The terminals at the small Monroe County airport were full of families on vacation
and in the middle of all these parents and children were some guys, kids really, dressed in camo with
large magazine assault rifles
what were they gonna do:
Yell, everyone except the terrorists, down on the ground, and then let loose with a hail of lead ?
So, on 9/11 I was blissfully unaware after I rolled out of bed. I did my usual routine for getting to school. Hopped on the bus and we were on our way. As I recall, the radio was talking about the attack. I thought it was some morning fiction. Got to school and after first period we were all sent home. The attack was on replay on CNN all day. It was all very surreal for me. #911 #September11 #SaudisOnAPlane #BinLaden
#binladen #saudisonaplane #september11
11 settembre 2001 – 11 settembre 2023: a 22 anni dalle Torri Gemelle https://www.articolo21.org/2023/09/11-settembre-2001-11-settembre-2023-a-22-anni-dalle-torri-gemelle/ #AmericadelNord #torrigemelle #Articoli #BinLaden
#americadelnord #torrigemelle #articoli #binladen
@heiseonline Und genau diesem #Cyberfaschismus muss klar gegenüber gestellt werden!
Der #Polizei sind allenfalls #Sonderrechte knallhart zu entziehen, denn die #RoteArmeeFraktion gibt es nicht mehr und #BinLaden ist tot, also gehört die ganze #Angstkultur & #Entrechtung seit spätestens 1968 ersatzlos gestrichen!
#Entrechtung #angstkultur #binladen #RoteArmeeFraktion #sonderrechte #Polizei #cyberfaschismus
Bear with my while I put on my tinfoil conspiracy hat for a sec...
NGL, #LVPD executing a search warrant in connection to the murder of #TupacShakur *30 years later* gives serious #binLaden vibes. It's like "we've known for years who did it and his EXACT location, but we chose to save that info for a more 'convenient' time".🤔
We can only hope and pray
#meme #weapons #CIA #nationbuilding #imperialism #NoAgendaBannedCamp #iraq #afghanistan #binLaden #Hussien #war #ukraine
#meme #weapons #cia #nationbuilding #imperialism #NoAgendaBannedCamp #iraq #afghanistan #binladen #hussien #war #ukraine
die Washington Post hat mit einem Antrag nach dem "Freedom of Information Act" Zugang zu mehr als 900 Fotos aus dem Weißen Haus vom 1. Mai 2011 erhalten. (Tag der Operation zur Tötung Osama #BinLaden's).
Hier präsentieren sie einige davon:
#Informationsfreiheit #binladen
Den strategischen Fehler, ein souveränes Land (#Ukraine) recht- & anlasslos überfallen zu haben, wird nicht #Putin und sein Clan bezahlen. Die Geschichte kann gnadenlos sein (siehe #NicolaeCeaușescu, #SaddamHussein, #AlSawahiri, #BinLaden - Typen, denen kaum einer nachweint), denn Putin hat die Integrität #Russland’s als FaustPfand in einen ungerechten Krieg zum Einsatz gebracht.
Der absehbare Verlust des #Krieges wird die Einheit Russlands in Mitleidenschaft ziehen. #PutinZerstörtRussland
#ukraine #putin #NicolaeCeaușescu #SaddamHussein #alsawahiri #binladen #russland #Krieges #putinzerstortrussland
#Batman vs #alqaeda ❕
It might as well be
#binladen vs #KingKong ❕
for all the good
it's likely to do.
Cheering on a fictional character
as he beats up
fictionalized terrorists
seems like
a decadent indulgence
when #WhiteSupremacists👈🏻
are killing 👨👩👧👦 in the real 🌍
#comics #iconoclasts
#batman #alqaeda #binladen #kingkong #whitesupremacists #grantmorrison #comics #iconoclasts
My new interview about 9/11, this time the interviewee is former NYPD detective Vic Ferrari who arrived on the scene after the collapse of the Twin Towers:
#terrorism #september11th #manhattan #twintowers #newyork #alqaeda #binladen #afghanistan #taliban
#terrorism #september11th #manhattan #TwinTowers #newyork #alqaeda #binladen #taliban #afghanistan
La mia nuova intervista sull'11/9, questa volta l'intervistato è l'ex detective dell'NYPD Vic Ferrari che arrivò a Ground Zero dopo il crollo delle Torri Gemelle:
#terrorismo #11settembre #manhattan #torrigemelle #newyork #alqaeda #binladen #afghanistan #talebani
#terrorismo #11settembre #manhattan #torrigemelle #newyork #alqaeda #binladen #afghanistan #talebani
Das Argument würde ich akzeptieren, wenn man dies #konsequent bei echter #Angstkultur und #Entrechtung macht.
Die #RoteArmeeFraktion is aufgelöst und #BinLaden tot, aber der ganze #Antiterror-#Polizeistaat - shice wächst weiter!
#polizeistaat #antiterror #binladen #RoteArmeeFraktion #Entrechtung #angstkultur #konsequent #facehoof
Hillary Clinton Details How the Osama Bin Laden Raid Got the Go-Ahead
#clinton #binladen
#Armageddon #Arson #Biden #BinLaden #Bush #FirstStrike #Hate #HeatherCole #ICBM #InsuranceFraud #Murder #NewYork #NineEleven #Nuclear #NuclearAttack #NYC #Obama #POTUS #Putin #Russia #Treason #WhiteHouse #WorldTradeCenter #WTC
#armageddon #arson #biden #binladen #bush #firststrike #hate #heathercole #icbm #insurancefraud #murder #newyork #nineeleven #nuclear #nuclearattack #nyc #obama #potus #putin #Russia #treason #whitehouse #worldtradecenter #wtc
Ucciso Al-Zawahiri, successore di Bin Laden: a tradirlo il balcone #afghanistan #alqaeda #AymanalZawahiri #binladen #joebiden #talebani #terrorismo #usa #7agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubHVjYXNjaWFsby5pdC9hbC16YXdhaGlyaS1jaGktZS11Y2Npc2lvbmUv
#7agosto #usa #terrorismo #Talebani #joebiden #binladen #AymanAlZawahiri #alqaeda #afghanistan
Prince Charles' charity accepted £1m donation from Osama bin Laden family
https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1648340/prince-charles-charity-donation-osama-bin-lade-family-relatives-clarence-house #BinLaden
#AmalgamVirgo è stato un esercizio congiunto di antiterrorismo e addestramento sponsorizzato dal #NORAD 1-2 giugno 2001, pochi mesi prima dell'#11settembre
Osama #BinLaden era raffigurato sulla copertina dell'operazione circondato da aerei...
#binladen #11settembre #norad #AmalgamVirgo
#Biden made #BinLaden's 2002 prediction come true https://newstarget.com/2021-09-01-biden-fulfilled-bin-ladens-prophecy-defeat-america.html