A few minor improvements to this picture....
The pdf is here: https://davidmeyer.github.io/qc/tricks.pdf. The LaTeX source is here: https://www.overleaf.com/read/czsqywqhccfw.
As always, questions/comments/corrections/* greatly appreciated.
#binomialcoefficients #PascalsTriangle #math
Been drawing some TikZ pictures this morning. It turns out it's pretty easy to draw Pascal's Triangle with TikZ:
% Draw Pascal's Triangle with binomial coefficients
\begin{tikzpicture} [framed,scale=0.90]
\foreach \n in {0,...,8} {
\foreach \k in {0,...,\n} {
\node at (\k-\n/2,-\n) {
\ifnum \k = 2 {\color{blue} $\binom{\n}{\k}$}
\else {$\binom{\n}{\k}$}
\caption{Pascal's Triangle with Binomial Coefficients}
The pdf is here: https://davidmeyer.github.io/qc/tricks.pdf. The LaTeX source is here: https://www.overleaf.com/read/czsqywqhccfw.
As always, questions/comments/corrections/* greatly appreciated.
#binomialcoefficients #PascalsTriangle #math