(6/6) Organ of Radical Care: Una Matriz Colaborativa is using new #science to grow a collaborative uterus from menstrual blood of multiple women, trans and non-binary people. #art #bioart https://ars.electronica.art/who-owns-the-truth/en/organ-of-radical-care/
Nold, Christian: Bio Mapping, London et al., first phase: from May 2004, second phase (Greenwich Emotion Map), from October 2005 (GPS, web, galvanic skin response sensor). More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Sammeltipp 1: Stadterfahrung mit ortssensitiven Medien, Teil 1. In: IASLonline Lessons/Lektionen in NetArt. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/TippSammel1.html #christiannold #biomapping #thomasdreher #locativemedia #digitalart #digitalartist #digitalartists #computerart #computerartist #gpsart #bioart
#bioart #GPSart #computerartist #computerart #digitalartists #digitalartist #DigitalArt #locativemedia #thomasdreher #biomapping #christiannold
Nold, Christian: Bio Mapping, London et al., first phase: from May 2004, second phase (Greenwich Emotion Map), from October 2005 (GPS, web, galvanic skin response sensor). More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Sammeltipp 1: Stadterfahrung mit ortssensitiven Medien, Teil 1. In: IASLonline Lessons/Lektionen in NetArt. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/TippSammel1.html #christiannold #biomapping #thomasdreher #locativemedia #digitalart #digitalartist #digitalartists #computerart #computerartist #gpsart #bioart
#bioart #GPSart #computerartist #computerart #digitalartists #digitalartist #DigitalArt #locativemedia #thomasdreher #biomapping #christiannold
Yoko Shimizu ➡️Photosynthegraph combines photosynthesis and photography to print graphic images on plants.
#bioart, #biodesign, #biology, #chemistry, #photography, #photosynthegraph, #photosynthesis, #plants
#bioart #biodesign #biology #chemistry #photography #photosynthegraph #photosynthesis #plants
Consider voting for your favorite Development cover of the year. Beautiful collection. #science #research #BiomedicalResearch #BioArt https://thenode.biologists.com/vote-for-your-favourite-development-cover/highlights/
#science #research #Biomedicalresearch #bioart
Consider voting on your favorite Development cover of the year. Beautiful collection. #science #research #BiomedicalResearch #BioArt https://thenode.biologists.com/vote-for-your-favourite-development-cover/highlights/
#science #research #Biomedicalresearch #bioart
Only discovered this article by @diaaahmedien@twitter.com just now. Brings together reflections on #bioart, #synbio, and multimodal #metaphor https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41292-022-00270-y
This exhibition opens Today in #Berlin, don't miss it!
This is an exhibition by artist and dear friend Margherita Pevere with Theresa Schubert, Karolina Żyniewicz & guests
"Membranes Out Of Order responds to the current ethical and cultural challenges posed by the interplay of biotechnology and ecology."
#berlin #art #bioart #performance #bioengineering #artscience
..new Member Catalogue just launched! 🥳
It features Bioart Society members and it's useful for curators, artists/practicioners, associations & journalists interested in professionals in the #transdisciplinary field of #bioart & #sciart.
Read it here: https://bioartsociety.fi/projects/publications/pages/bioart-society-member-catalogue-2022
#transdisciplinary #bioart #sciart
Over on the 🐦bird app, tonight we’re hosting the #SciArtChat on TwitterSpaces! A little earlier than usual, 8:30pm EST.
A casual chat about the intersection of art + science with Julia Krolik and Glendon Mellow.
#scicomm #sciart #paleoart #science #bioart #illustration #medart #medcomms
#medcomms #medart #illustration #bioart #science #paleoart #sciart #scicomm #sciartchat
#introduction I'm Chris, along with my colleagues i organise and curate projects at the meeting point of art, science and technology at a space and org called#artlaboratoryberlin (www.artlaboratory-berlin.org) some main points o finterest: #bioart #diybio #diyscience #citizenscience #transdisciplinarypractice ... i'm especially interested in contacting scientists and technologist who want to collaborate across disciplines..check the ALB website above for some examples (for instance under 'research')
#introduction #citizenscience #bioart #diybio #diyscience #transdisciplinarypractice
RT @AnnaDumitriu
Lots in the press about outbreaks of diphtheria in Europe, which reminds me of my artwork “Clean Linen” (2018) which comprises an antique French nightgown embroidered with and impregnated with the DNA of #diptheria, plague, TB and scarlet fever. https://annadumitriu.co.uk/portfolio/linen-from-the-field/#cleanlinen #bioart
the BioArtBot project!
Here you can make art with biology.
Draw something amazing in the grid below and we will print it out with microbial ink - real living bacteria that produce vivid colors! We'll email a photo of your living work of art back to you
'“Short on time and big on ideas”: Perspectives from Lab Members on DIYBio Work in Community Biolabs'
Biologist humour:
"Mind thGAP"
cc @Norore
(workshop series in biohacking & bioart)
#bioart #biofiction #biohacking #biology #synbio
À Niort, les lycéennes, lycéens dessinent avec des microbes
et c'est très beau et au passage elles et ils se posent les questions de la biodiversité de l'«invisible» et du rapport intime humain / non-humain
L’œuvre issue est celle d'une lycéenne nommée Norah Rondard qui a utilisé 3 bactéries : la Citrobacter freundii¹, la Serratia marcescens et la Micrococcus luteus sur un médium de culture en agar qui apparaît noir ici
1: la Citrobacter freundii est généralement verte/bleu métalique avec de possible fond noir (lié à la fermentation du saccharose) lors de colonie très concentrée − sur un agar Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB)
(bactérie présentes dans notre flore intestinale et fermenteur de lactose typique).
#bioart #diybio #stem #Science #Biologie #écologie
Living Beings
my video of 'Seed to seed ~Gill Baldwin with Upominki and others', at Upominki, Rotterdam, April 5th 2019
with Gill Baldwin, Weronika Zielinska-Klein, work by Minji Choi and Seokyung Kim + cameos by Clara + various non-human actors.
#art #bioart #plants #ecology #exhibition