New Event in person with live streaming for R-Ladies Rome #BioC23 Watch Party. 🛰 Come and find us 🔜 Department of Statistics of the University La Sapienza in Rome, Italy.
📅 When: August 28, 2023 at 4 PM CET /10 AM EDT
🇮🇹 Unisciti a noi per una coinvolgente R/Bioconductor watch party.
Questa è un'opportunità unica per connetterti con una comunità di appassionati di dati come te
#rladies #datascience #biostatistics #rstats #rstudio #galaxy
#bioc23 #rladies #datascience #biostatistics #rstats #rstudio #galaxy
#BioC23 is about to get started !
Looking forward to all the awesome speakers.