RT AshleyRindsberg@twitter.com
I wrote a piece about Anthony #Fauci that reorients public perception from NARRATIVE (Left = science saint; Right = deep-state villain) to REALITY.
Below are 5 key TLDR takeaways.
#Biodefence #Cheney #Bush
#bush #cheney #biodefence #fauci
How Dick #Cheney created Anthony #Fauci | UnHerd
Fauci now had a virtual carte blanche to not merely approve but design and run the kind of research projects he sought — and could do so with no oversight structure above him. #Biodefence projects that formerly would have fallen under the authority of military or intelligence agencies were now under his direct supervision.
How Dick #Cheney created Anthony #Fauci | UnHerd
With the stroke of Cheney’s pen, all United States #biodefence efforts, classified or unclassified, were placed under the aegis of Anthony Fauci. So important was this new command structure that a representative from the office of Scooter Libby, Cheney’s powerful chief of staff, was physically placed in #NIAID headquarters in Washington during the transition to function as “a kind of political commissar” from the vice president’s office. This gave Fauci unparalleled access to not just Cheney, but President Bush, to whom he had an open channel.
#niaid #biodefence #fauci #cheney