Artenreiches Grasland, Pilzbiodiversität und Kohlenstoff im #Boden: Wir fördern 15 Schweizer Forschende im Rahmen von #Biodiversa+ und #EJPSoil. Sie erforschen den Schutz der #Biodiversität und die Bearbeitung landwirtschaftlicher Böden.
#boden #biodiversa #ejpsoil #biodiversitat
Species-rich grasslands, fungal biodiversity and carbon in #soil: we are funding 15 Swiss researchers as part of #Biodiversa+ and #EJPSoil. They are investigating #biodiversity protection and the cultivation of agricultural soils.
#soil #biodiversa #ejpsoil #biodiversity
Prairies diversifiées, biodiversité des champignons et carbone dans les #sols : le FNS soutient 15 scientifiques suisses dans le cadre de #Biodiversa+ et #EJPSoil. Leur thème : la protection de la #biodiversité et le travail des terres agricoles.
#sols #biodiversa #ejpsoil #biodiversite
One week before #Biodiversa #WaterJPI funded #EmysR 2nd annual consortium meeting gathering #experts #PhD candidates and #students in #ecology, #genomics, #economy, #sociology for assessing #wetland #restoration and #wildlife #conservation for #people #engagement #ForNature
#biodiversa #waterjpi #emysr #experts #phd #students #ecology #Genomics #economy #sociology #wetland #restoration #wildlife #conservation #people #engagement #ForNature
Coming soon: the 2nd Annual Consortium Meeting of our #Biodiversa #WaterJPI funded project will be held on 25-27 April 2023 at #CollegiumCivitas in #Warsaw with our #consortium from #France, #Germany, #Latvia, #Poland and the last but not the least… #Ukraine. Emys-R #StandWithUkraine
#biodiversa #waterjpi #collegiumcivitas #warsaw #consortium #france #germany #latvia #poland #ukraine #StandWithUkraine
RT @JCSvenning
Looking for an ecology postdoc? Check out our new 2-year position on #macroecology of the #biodiversity (#trees, #birds, #butterflies) in Mediterranean #forests 🌳🦋🐦, with @anordonez1 @KentOlsen_NHMA & great European #biodiversa team
#macroecology #biodiversity #trees #birds #butterflies #forests #biodiversa
Emys-R is funded through the 2020-2021 #Biodiversa & Water JPI joint call for #research proposals, under the #BiodivRestore #ERA-Net COFUND programme, and with the funding organisations Agence Nationale de la Recherche (#ANR, France), Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (#BMBF, Germany), State Education Development Agency (#VIAA, Latvia), and National Science Center (#NCN, Poland). Emys-R hosts 7 international #PhD #students including #scientists from #Ukraine - #StandForUkraine
#biodiversa #research #biodivrestore #era #ANR #bmbf #viaa #ncn #phd #students #scientists #ukraine #standforukraine
An oak rainbow!! Rainbow 🌈🌈 our ACORN seedlings are showing off before their winter "bed time"
#science #drought #wsl #Swiss #biodiversa