Novel #fatty_acids-governed #cannibalism in beneficial #rhizosphere #Bacillus enhances #biofilm formation.
#fatty_acids #cannibalism #rhizosphere #bacillus #biofilm #omps_r #bnaab
Bacterial biofilms, a common cause of #RespiratoryInfection: @tamara_rossy @alexpersat &co use a tissue-engineered airway infection model to reveal that P. aeruginosa uses type IV pili to make host mucus contract, speeding #biofilm formation #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #biofilm #respiratoryinfection “#BCNature is appalled at the decision announced today to approve the #RobertsBank Terminal 2 Project.
Your own government scientists have documented the many significant adverse #environmental effects that this project will deliver. They also proved that replacing #biofilm is impossible to achieve on the scale necessary to replace what will be lost if this project is implemented.”
#bcnature #robertsbank #environmental #biofilm
🦠Netzwerfer unter sich? Immunzellen und Erreger kämpfen mit harten Bandagen ⚔️ - und soften Netzen.
Neu entdeckt: #Cholera-Erreger killen mit einer Art #Biofilm, während die Immunzellen tödliche Klebefallen auslegen.
Mein Stück auf #RiffReporter:
#cholera #biofilm #riffreporter
Research is the first to unlock the secret of #microbial #slime.
#microbial #slime #mucopolysaccharides #ECM #biofilm #fungi #nutrients
Backwashing affects the removal of #micropollutants and the dynamic changes in the #microbial community in sand #filters.
#micropollutants #microbial #filters #microbiome #biofilm
RT @ukbiofilms
🔬We're thrilled to share our #npjBiofilms collection with @Nature_NPJ which focuses on our interventional pillars: Prevent, Detect, Manage and Engineer #biofilms
🔎 Take a look:
@miguelcamarauk @FillouxLab @nfanget #biofilm
#npjbiofilms #biofilms #biofilm
RT @BiofilmJournal
We're also at #ECCMID2023 - can you spot us?😃 If you would want to talk to us about potentially submitting yur best #biofilm research, feel free to reach out to senior editor @tcoenye!
#Bacterial #signaling across #biofilm affected by surface structure, shows study.
#bacterial #signaling #biofilm
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
Bacterial signaling across #biofilm affected by #surfacestructure, shows study @UofIllinois >@ACSBioMed
Claus Moser finishes with highlighting EuroBioFilms 2024 in Copenhagen: 26-29 June next year ➡️ medical biofilm researchers should take note
#Pseudomonas #burkholderia #staphylococcus #biofilm
The best part of the clean up at the end of a practical course… crystal violet rain
Trial Shows Electronic Dressing Stops Biofilm Infections in Burns
Findings from a clinical trial show a dressing for #burns with an electric current prevents formation of #bacterial films, reducing risks of #infections.
#News #Science #Business #Wounds #Bioelectronic #ClinicalTrial #USArmy #University #Bacteria #Biofilm #Collaboration
#burns #bacterial #infections #News #science #business #wounds #bioelectronic #ClinicalTrial #USArmy #university #bacteria #biofilm #collaboration
RT @BiofilmJournal
Using high throughput methods (RNA-Seq, LC-MS), @ramage_gordon and team mapped and integrated the transcriptional and metabolic reprogramming undertaken by heterogenous Candida albicans isolates in response to #biofilm and hyphal inducing serum.
TasA characterization - bioRxiv by @Jcamara_almiron et al from @diegoromerohi
#Bacillus #biofilm #amyloidassembly
RT @biorxiv_micrbio
Molecular characterization of the N-terminal half of TasA during functional amyloid assembly and its contribution to Bacillus ... #biorxiv_micrbio
#Bacillus #biofilm #amyloidassembly #biorxiv_micrbio
Hospital’s water purification system stripped out chlorine, killing 3 patients - Enlarge / Part of the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston on Dec. 16... - #hospitalacquiredinfection #brighamandwomenshospital #infectiousdisease #waterpurification #contamination #mycobacteria #purification #science #biofilm #water
#water #biofilm #science #purification #mycobacteria #contamination #waterpurification #infectiousdisease #brighamandwomenshospital #hospitalacquiredinfection
Ars Technica: Hospital’s water purification system stripped out chlorine, killing 3 patients #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #BrighamandWomen'shospital #hospitalacquiredinfection #Infectiousdisease #waterpurification #contamination #mycobacteria #purification #Science #biofilm #water
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #brighamandwomen #hospitalacquiredinfection #infectiousdisease #waterpurification #contamination #mycobacteria #purification #science #biofilm #water
Was Schleim mit uns und der Erde macht by Karl Urban #Astrobiologie #Geowissenschaften #Popkultur #Umwelt #Aliens #Außerirdische #Biofilm #Ekel #Evolution #Gesundheit #Mikroben #Plattentektonik #Schleim #AstroGeoVodcast #podcast #bot Schleim hat es nicht leicht. Er ist vielleicht das einzige Biomaterial mit gleich zwei Imageproblemen. Er macht äußerlich nicht viel her, gilt also als banal oder Abfall. Und er ist ein außerordentlich potenter Ekel…
#astrobiologie #Geowissenschaften #popkultur #umwelt #aliens #außerirdische #biofilm #ekel #evolution #gesundheit #mikroben #plattentektonik #schleim #astrogeovodcast #podcast #bot
RT @BiofilmJournal
See this short video on @BiofilmJournal – Bringing together researchers of microbiology
with our senior editors, Darla Goeres and @BirtheKjellerup, and one of our recent authors and editorial board member, @KaushikLab
#Biofilm #GoldOpenAccess
#High throughput determination of the #biofilm prevention concentration for #Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms using a synthetic cystic fibrosis sputum medium -