some hashes: #BiogeanSocialism #DeGrowth #SlowTech #Durability #EcoProduction #EquitableDistribution #NaturalContract #OverConsumption #RepairableTech #WasteStreams #RecyclingStreams #Renovation
#biogeansocialism #degrowth #slowtech #durability #ecoproduction #equitabledistribution #naturalcontract #overconsumption #repairabletech #wastestreams #recyclingstreams #renovation
@kentpitman appropriate means of production are already lacking, not to mention distribution! already, the social is not civil. time of eco socialism or what i call #BiogeanSocialism is now. capitalist mode of production/distribution can not and will not do what is required
i am beginning a series of toots taken from Michel Serres "Biogea," the book from which i have learned to think about our #Biogea, our #BiogeanSocialism,
interested in reading and studying #FinnegansWake, perhaps at a page or even a toot per day?
i know a #FinnegansWake hash already exists, but not like the one i have in mind
other principle interest is thinking about/developing what i call #BiogeanSocialism or what is popularly called #EcoSocialism
this being #SocialMedia as part of media in general and under the Capitalist Mode of Production, i am interested in how it works, is experienced and used here and elsewhere
#finneganswake #biogeansocialism #ecosocialism #socialmedia