Hello. Its only taken me a few weeks to put out my intro. I'm Billy and I'm a #biogeochemist based in #northernireland. I'm interested in how #environmental change affects #ecosystem processes like #CarbonCycling. I'm a #juggler #unicyclist, #scicomm enthusiast and #banjo player.
Mostly toot / tweet about #marinescience and #climatechange
#biogeochemist #northernireland #environmental #ecosystem #CarbonCycling #juggler #unicyclist #scicomm #banjo #marinescience #climatechange
Time for an #introduction #neuhier #newhere:
I am a #marine #biogeochemist, working with the #ocean #circulation model #FESOM and the ocean #biogeochemistry #model #REcoM.
I am interested in the #cycling of #carbon and #nutrients, and how the ocean carbon #uptake and #ecosystems (well, #plankton) change in a #highCO2 and #warming #world.
I lead the @helmholtz Young Investigator Group #MarESys Marine Carbon and Ecosystem #Feedbacks in the #Earth System.
I hope these were enough #hashtags 🙃 🤓
#hashtags #earth #Feedbacks #MarESys #world #warming #highCO2 #plankton #ecosystems #uptake #nutrients #carbon #cycling #REcoM #model #biogeochemistry #FESOM #Circulation #ocean #biogeochemist #marine #newhere #neuhier #introduction
I just migrated from the main Mastodon server and wanted to introduce myself...again.
Professionally, I wear multiple hats. I'm an aquatic #biogeochemist that focuses on #nutrient cycling in wetlands, lakes, and estuaries (no water is off limits). I also dive into #hydrology quite frequently to understand how water moves. I'm also a stats and #rstats expert.
Personally, I love to #garden, Florida natives plants & the usual fruit & veg. Most likely you will get a smattering of all things.
#biogeochemist #nutrient #hydrology #rstats #garden
Hi all! I am a #biogeochemist working in the #sciencepolicy space in the U.S.
i talk a lot about #equity, #inclusion and #justice in #STEM bc who does the science shapes scientific outcomes. the scientific enterprise is built upon #colonialism & #patriarchy and thus purposely excludes MANY
i love #isotopes & #ecosystem #science. i hope to use my privilege for good, but know that I have much to learn #lifelonglearner
i also have a fur pack that i love v much
#lifelonglearner #introduction #twittermigration #biogeochemist #sciencepolicy #equity #inclusion #justice #stem #colonialism #patriarchy #isotopes #ecosystem #science