#Transhumanismo: Explorando la Evolución Humana con Música Dance y Tecnología Avanzada 🚀 #TecnologíaConJuancho #Biohackers #Ciborgs #InnovaciónTecnológica #Futurismo #MúsicaDelFuturo #TechLovers #TranshumanismoMusical #InteligenciaArtificial #Grinders #Biónicos #EvoluciónHumana
#transhumanismo #tecnologiaconjuancho #biohackers #ciborgs #innovaciontecnologica #futurismo #musicadelfuturo #techlovers #transhumanismomusical #inteligenciaartificial #grinders #bionicos #evolucionhumana
#successmindset #successquotes #morningmotivation #blackowned #powerofpositivity #successfulmindset #africanmakeup #mentalhealth #mentalhealthquotes
#biohack #biohacks #biohacking #neuroscience
#biohackers #biohacker #biohackingsecrets #mentalhealth #stress #trauma #anxiety #powerfulwomen #spiritual #womeninbusiness #africanhairstyle #africanboss #healthyliving #liveinthemoment #africanbeauty #holistic #health #wellness https://www.amazon.com/What-Your-Birthday-Karess-Capella-ebook/dp/B094MWT47C
#wellness #health #holistic #africanbeauty #liveinthemoment #healthyliving #africanboss #africanhairstyle #womeninbusiness #spiritual #powerfulwomen #anxiety #trauma #stress #biohackingsecrets #Biohacker #biohackers #neuroscience #biohacking #biohacks #biohack #mentalhealthquotes #mentalhealth #africanmakeup #successfulmindset #powerofpositivity #blackowned #morningmotivation #successquotes #successmindset
#Biohackers collude with #BigTech to run risky #genetherapy trials
#genetherapy #BigTech #biohackers
If code and specs were made #opensource before the company imploded I imagine there'd be some entrepreneural #biohackers willing to help out :heart_cyber:
Watching #ThePeripheral (great #scifi show by the way) and keep wondering how close we are to the tech that gives the one lady her moving sub-dermal #tattoo. I can imagine a number of people paying for that if they could.
Any #biohackers have ideas?
#biohackers #tattoo #sciFi #thePeripheral
Seizoen 2 van Biohackers is 100x beter dan het eerste, maar het blijft een uit de hand gelopen jeugdserie. Is dat geen bezwaar, dan is het een aanrader. Hilarisch vind ik hoe onophoudelijk het excellente niveau van de studenten wordt benadrukt en nog eens benadrukt. En nog eens.
#Netflix #Biohackers #BiohackersNetflix
#netflix #biohackers #BiohackersNetflix
Habe mich etwas durch #Biohackers gequält. Story ist leider nicht gut. Wenn man gewohnt ist dass sich handelnde Personen Gedanken machen und planen ist die Heldin hier leider nur spontan und geschützt durch #PlotArmor. Schade.
Aber die Aufnahmen von #Freiburg sehen gut aus.
#Netflix #TV #Stream #eherNicht
#eherNicht #stream #tv #netflix #freiburg #PlotArmor #biohackers
#Biohackers | #Official #Trailer
Alt. link.:
Einfach eine geile Serie👍 😻
#trailer #official #biohackers
J'ai vu que netflix à sorti une nouvelle série #biohackers
La bande annonce laisse... songeur. 🤔
Je l'ai ajouté à ma liste des trucs à voir prochainement mais sans grand optimisme, comme ça je risque surtout la bonne surprise...
#Biohackers Aim To Make #Homebrew #Insulin
#Biohacking #Laboratory #DiY #Hacking
"People wanted to do science outside of classical institutions like universities or big corporations, so we embraced it,"
#RyanBethencourt #WildEarth
#biohackers #homebrew #insulin #biohacking #laboratory #diy #hacking #ryanbethencourt #wildearth