DeepImageJ 3.0 released—a user-friendly #FijiSc plugin that enables the use of a variety of pre-trained neural networks from the #BioimageModelZoo. Works with small and also very large images thanks to #ImgLib2.
#imageprocessing #imagej #tensorflow #pytorch #deepimagej #ImgLib2 #bioimagemodelzoo #FijiSc
University of Arkansas Integrative Metabolic Research Center to host Xintao Wu, professor of computer science and computer engineering, who will discuss #opensource #DeepLearning-based resources, including #DeepImageJ, #CSBDeep, #ZeroCostDL4Mic and #BioimageModelZoo.
#oss #highered #opensource #deeplearning #deepimagej #csbdeep #zerocostdl4mic #bioimagemodelzoo #edtech #openedtech #edtechchat #highereducation