A new issue (n° 10) of #ComplexityThoughts is out!
From #NetworkScience to #AI, #CollectiveBehavior & #OriginOfLife in this issue.
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Want to suggest a Thought to cover for our “From the community”? Use this link: https://forms.gle/FW4EHEmfWYyXj3TFA
#ComplexSystems #BioInspiredComputing #NetworkScience #DataScience
#datascience #bioinspiredcomputing #complexsystems #originoflife #CollectiveBehavior #ai #networkscience #ComplexityThoughts
A new issue (n° 9) of #ComplexityThoughts is out!
Spread the word and suggest a Thought for the next time ;)
Not yet subscribed? It's free, check it out: https://manlius.substack.com/
Want to suggest a Thought to cover for our “From the community”? Use this link: https://forms.gle/FW4EHEmfWYyXj3TFA
#ComplexSystems #BioInspiredComputing #NetworkScience #DataScience
#datascience #networkscience #bioinspiredcomputing #complexsystems #ComplexityThoughts
Are you ready for the #ComplexityThoughts Issue #8?
From #NetworkScience to #DataScience, #NetworkNeuroscience & #NetworkMedicine in this issue.
Not yet subscribed? It's free, check it out: https://manlius.substack.com/
Want to suggest a Thought to cover for our “From the community”? Use this link: https://forms.gle/FW4EHEmfWYyXj3TFA
#bioinspiredcomputing #complexsystems #NetworkMedicine #NetworkNeuroscience #datascience #networkscience #ComplexityThoughts
Updating #EvolutionarySystems and #BioinspiredComputing lecture notes as the semester unfolds:
1. What is #Life? https://casci.binghamton.edu/academics/i-bic/lec01.php
2. The Logical Mechanisms of Life https://casci.binghamton.edu/academics/i-bic/lec02.php
#evolutionarysystems #bioinspiredcomputing #life #artificiallife
Teaching this #EvolutionarySystems and #BioinspiredComputing course this semester
Just updated chapter 1 of lecture notes "What is Life?" https://casci.binghamton.edu/academics/i-bic/lec01.php
#evolutionarysystems #bioinspiredcomputing
Are you ready for the #ComplexityThoughts Issue #6?
From network foundations to global systems, embodiment and network medicine.
Not yet subscribed? It's free, check it out: https://manlius.substack.com/
#NetworkMedicine #bioinspiredcomputing #complexsystems #ComplexityThoughts
Do we need to hardwire hierarchical connectivity in recurrent neural networks to achieve predictive coding (PC)?
PC is an emergent consequence of an energy efficiency principle, leading to separate subpopulations of prediction and error units.
#ComplexSystems #NetworkNeuroscience #BioInspiredComputing #ComputationalBiology
@neuroscience@a.gup.pe @networkscience@a.gup.pe @complexsystems
@PessoaBrain @WiringtheBrain @kordinglab @ricard_sole @albertcardona @c4computation
#computationalbiology #bioinspiredcomputing #NetworkNeuroscience #complexsystems
“intrinsic stochasticity is probably positively utilized by brains, not only to optimize the signal response but also to induce intelligence itself, and one of the key roles, played by astrocytes in information processing, could be dealing with noises”
#BioInspiredComputing #ComputationalBiology #MachineLearning @neuroscience
#machinelearning #computationalbiology #bioinspiredcomputing
The authors propose a simple single-neuron model where the dendrite is implemented as a sequence of thresholded linear units. They manipulate the underlying architecture and investigate the impacts of binary branching constraints and repetition of synaptic inputs on neural computation, finding that models with such manipulations can perform (surprisingly?) well on machine learning tasks.
#Neuroscience #BioInspiredComputing #MachineLearning @neuroscience
#machinelearning #bioinspiredcomputing #neuroscience
#ComplexityThoughts issue #5 is going out in a few minutes!
Don't know what is it? Click on the hashtag and check it. Or follow this URL and subscribe for free: https://manlius.substack.com/
Merry Christmas and Happy 2023!
#ComplexSystems #Emergence #ComplexNetworks #SelfOrganization #CollectiveBehavior #StatisticalPhysics #ComputationalBiology #Neuroscience #BioInspiredComputing
#bioinspiredcomputing #neuroscience #computationalbiology #statisticalphysics #CollectiveBehavior #selforganization #ComplexNetworks #emergence #complexsystems #ComplexityThoughts
#ecoevo folks #introductions #introduction. I am a former #evolutionary #ecologist. DPhil #UYorkUK #evolutionarydynamics (#adaptivedynamics) #populationdynamics #gametheory #dynamicalsystems #evolutionarystablestrategies #ESS. Postdoc #ULeiden continued this. Postdoc #UCambridge #lifehistoryevolution #soaysheepproject #modelling #reproductivestrategies #dynamicprogramming #fielddata
Where did this lead to? Recruitment into business for #bioinspiredcomputing
#ecoevo #introductions #introduction #Evolutionary #ecologist #uyorkuk #evolutionarydynamics #AdaptiveDynamics #populationdynamics #gametheory #dynamicalsystems #evolutionarystablestrategies #ess #uleiden #ucambridge #lifehistoryevolution #soaysheepproject #modelling #reproductivestrategies #dynamicprogramming #fielddata #bioinspiredcomputing
“Neuroevolution enables important capabilities that are typically unavailable to gradient-based approaches, including learning neural network building blocks (for example activation functions), hyperparameters, architectures and even the algorithms for learning themselves [...] This Review looks at several key aspects of modern neuroevolution”
#Neuroscience #MachinLearning #Neuroevolution #ANN #BioInspiredComputing
#bioinspiredcomputing #ann #neuroevolution #machinlearning #neuroscience
There are some limitations in our study, but we think it's a promising step towards a better understanding of the relationship between structure and computing, ubiquitous features of empirical complex adaptive systems.
#ComplexSystems #ComplexNetworks #CollectiveBehavior #StatisticalPhysics #BioInspiredComputing Of interest for: #ComputationalBiology #Neuroscience
#neuroscience #computationalbiology #bioinspiredcomputing #statisticalphysics #CollectiveBehavior #ComplexNetworks #complexsystems
It could be computationally explained by an overfitting effect. It also agrees w/ some literature according to which biological networks have optimized topologies capable of suppressing noisy fluctuations that consist in sparser and more hierarchically organized structures
#ComplexSystems #ComplexNetworks #CollectiveBehavior #StatisticalPhysics #BioInspiredComputing Of interest for: #ComputationalBiology #Neuroscience
#neuroscience #computationalbiology #bioinspiredcomputing #statisticalphysics #CollectiveBehavior #ComplexNetworks #complexsystems
If we run our analysis for different input signals, we find that when the signals that have to be predicted are noisy the performances for reservoirs w/ modular structures are lower than the one evaluated with empirical connectomes, which is puzzling.
#ComplexSystems #ComplexNetworks #CollectiveBehavior #StatisticalPhysics #BioInspiredComputing Of interest for: #ComputationalBiology #Neuroscience
#neuroscience #computationalbiology #bioinspiredcomputing #statisticalphysics #CollectiveBehavior #ComplexNetworks #complexsystems
Comparing the outcomes of the corresponding generative models, we find that the number of independent activation states increases with the complexity of the model and organism brain volume, the topology playing an important role w/ its link density and modularity.
#ComplexSystems #ComplexNetworks #CollectiveBehavior #StatisticalPhysics #BioInspiredComputing Of interest for: #ComputationalBiology #Neuroscience
#neuroscience #computationalbiology #bioinspiredcomputing #statisticalphysics #CollectiveBehavior #ComplexNetworks #complexsystems
We find that system's size (ie the number of neurons in the reservoir) and the nature of input signal have a strong impact. Stochastic and deterministic signals lead to qualitative & measurable differences in prediction.
#ComplexSystems #ComplexNetworks #CollectiveBehavior #StatisticalPhysics #BioInspiredComputing Of interest for: #ComputationalBiology #Neuroscience
#neuroscience #computationalbiology #bioinspiredcomputing #statisticalphysics #CollectiveBehavior #ComplexNetworks #complexsystems
Our setup:
- use different types of input signals (deterministic chaotic and (un)correlated stochastic)
- use 45 empirical connectomes as reservoirs
- use generative models from different statistical ensemble to control which feature is relevant for a predictive task
#ComplexSystems #ComplexNetworks #CollectiveBehavior #StatisticalPhysics #BioInspiredComputing Of interest for: #ComputationalBiology #Neuroscience
#neuroscience #computationalbiology #bioinspiredcomputing #statisticalphysics #CollectiveBehavior #ComplexNetworks #complexsystems
Usually, the reservoir is a random network initialized w/ random weights.
We asked: what happens if we put structured networks with controllable modularity, heterogeneity, etc? We have found that a lot can happen & the final performance does not depend trivially on topology
#ComplexSystems #ComplexNetworks #CollectiveBehavior #StatisticalPhysics #BioInspiredComputing Of interest for: #ComputationalBiology #Neuroscience
#neuroscience #computationalbiology #bioinspiredcomputing #statisticalphysics #CollectiveBehavior #ComplexNetworks #complexsystems
In practice, it allows to map a complex signal into a high-dimensional space where the underlying attractor is reconstructed and then used to forecast the dynamics in the next future, with amazing performances.
#ComplexSystems #ComplexNetworks #CollectiveBehavior #StatisticalPhysics #BioInspiredComputing Of interest for: #ComputationalBiology #Neuroscience
#neuroscience #computationalbiology #bioinspiredcomputing #statisticalphysics #CollectiveBehavior #ComplexNetworks #complexsystems