RT @gbike_cost
📢Freshly out of the press: new paper by WG3 published in #BiologicalConservation. It discusses how biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES) management can benefit from genomic knowledge and the existing gap in its application in ES management.
Together with colleagues from the #GBiKE network funded through #EUCOST, we have analyzed the application of genomic tools for #conservation and management of #biodiversity and #ecosystemservices. Our findings and advice on how #geneticdiversity information can be used more effectively to manage nature #sustainably are summarized in a review article published in #BiologicalConservation: https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1gMma1R~eOyc8 [🧵1/4]
#gbike #eucost #conservation #biodiversity #ecosystemservices #GeneticDiversity #sustainably #biologicalconservation
"Foresight science."
That sounds like getting the most bang for a buck, which sounds good.
'Foresight science in conservation: Tools, barriers, and mainstreaming opportunities'
#foresightscience #biologicalconservation #openaccess