#CoralReefs and #ClimateChange: A Legal Solution to Preserving #GlobalEcosystems https://www.americanbar.org/groups/environment_energy_resources/publications/ccsde/coral-reefs-and-climate-change/ half of the worldâs corals are gone. The death of these #biologically #diverse underwater structures will result in job loss, the destruction of crucial #ecosystems, and limited #FoodSupply to over 1/2 B people worldwide. Coral reefs r essential to both human & animal life. Coral ecosystems are source of #food for millions of people and provide local #jobs in #fishing, r#ecreation #tourism
#CoralReefs #climatechange #globalecosystems #biologically #diverse #ecosystems #foodsupply #food #jobs #Fishing #tourism
Hello people of the Fediverse. I generally don't like talking about my problems online but I've been struggling with my #gender identity for almost 3 years now and i just can't ignore it anymore.
Does anyone know some good scientific sources of information for potentially #transgender people and/or accounts to follow here on the Fediverse?
By scientific i mean studies and/or articles that explain what happens #biologically to trans people causing their mind to be disconnected from their body.
#biologically #transgender #gender
#Deforestation in the world's most #biologically diverse #savanna, the #Brazilian #Cerrado, rose by around 25% in a year. #ClimateEmergency #climateaction #climatejustice #Brasil #Brazil #ClimateCrisis #desmatamento #earth #environment #indigenous #social #ambiental #meioambiente #biodiversity #world #cop15 #terraindĂgena @reutersinstitute https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/deforestation-brazilian-savanna-surged-some-25-year-sources-say-2022-12-13/
#terraindigena #COP15 #world #biodiversity #meioambiente #ambiental #Social #Indigenous #Environment #Earth #desmatamento #ClimateCrisis #Brazil #Brasil #climatejustice #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency #Cerrado #brazilian #savanna #biologically #deforestation
#Deforestation in the world's most #biologically diverse #savanna, the #Brazilian #Cerrado, rose by around 25% in a year. #ClimateEmergency #climateaction #climatejustice #Brasil #Brazil #ClimateCrisis #desmatamento #earth #environment #indigenous #social #ambiental #meioambiente #biodiversity #world #cop15 #terraindĂgena @reutersinstitute https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/deforestation-brazilian-savanna-surged-some-25-year-sources-say-2022-12-13/
#terraindigena #COP15 #world #biodiversity #meioambiente #ambiental #Social #Indigenous #Environment #Earth #desmatamento #ClimateCrisis #Brazil #Brasil #climatejustice #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency #Cerrado #brazilian #savanna #biologically #deforestation