Thanks to all organizers of #Biology23 at #unige for a very nice meeting! (Not that many are here :mastodon:)
Great talk by @nextstrain at #Biology23 on "Comparative gene expression analysis of
moulting in Insect and Crustacean lineages" @moultdb @dee_unil
Great start to day 2 of #Biology23 with keynote by Tim Coulson, starting with conceptual reflexion on the link between ecology & evolution #ecoevo, and continuing with empirical results on Yellowstone wolves.
Most convincing poster pitch #Biology23 by Kora Klein: "mathematical proof that stick insects are perfect" :)
I have just learned the word "demogenomic" from @loronet 's #Biology23 conclusion. Nice invention if it's new :) #demogenomic
@loronet showing #Biology23 how ancient and modern human genomes can allow to infer demography and evolution.
@loronet starts his keynote #Biology23 by reminiscing about sitting in the very back of the same amphitheater as an undergrad student 😉
Great to be discussing science with colleagues at #Biology23. First keynote Elena Conti showing how genomics shows the convergence of floral heteromorphism.
Lots of cool research at #Biology23
@f_brenninger@ecoevo.socialwill talk about tradeoffs between immunity & reproduction today,
Thu Zar Nwe will talk about soil fauna in #PaNDiv tomorrow in the Community Ecology Session, Mikko Tiusanen will talk about pollination tomorrow in the same session,
More cool #PaNDiv stuff about plant competition by Caroline Daniel can be enjoyed tomorrow.
Programme of #Biology23, the yearly meeting of Swiss organismic biology #ecoevo