Kathy Karch · @KarchWrites
516 followers · 12 posts · Server wandering.shop

The weather's too nice for me to stay holed up in the windowless, subterranean science office at my school, so I packed up my computer and headed out to my outdoor classroom. The life of a can be pretty sweet sometimes.

(Shhh. I'm not actually doing school work. I'm working on revisions to a short story. It's fine. No one else is around to see. 🤫✍️)

#biologyteacher #teacherlife #teaching #writerslife #writing #outdoors #nature

Last updated 1 year ago

Kathy Karch · @KarchWrites
512 followers · 20 posts · Server wandering.shop

Took my AP Bio students outside for the first day of a three week long entomology project that involves creating an insect collection.

They were reluctant until we got out there w/ the nets & collecting jars. Then, the thrill of discovery (and the hunt) took over. By the end of the period, they were openly excited.

Mission accomplished.

#teacher #teacherlife #ScienceTeacher #biologyteacher #teaching #biology #entomology #insects #nature #science #discoveryscience #experientiallearning

Last updated 1 year ago

Kathy Karch · @KarchWrites
457 followers · 22 posts · Server wandering.shop

A “present” left on my desk today by a colleague who really gets me. 🐮👁️🥰

#teacher #ScienceTeacher #biology #biologyteacher #unusualgifts

Last updated 1 year ago