Demam berdarah adalah penyakit yang selalu recurring di negara kita. Ini adalah artikel yang kami develop, bersama Arif Nur Muhammad Ansori dan Yulanda Antonius , untuk mengkaji mengenai vaksin demam berdarah. Apakah kita bisa segera bebas dari penyakit ini?? Mari kita simak! 👇 #dengue #denguefever #biomedicine #biotechnology #bioinformatics #vaccines @uni_eropa #Indonesia
#dengue #denguefever #biomedicine #biotechnology #bioinformatics #vaccines #indonesia
New Institute! 📢 Together with Heidelberg University we just launched HI-TAC, the Helmholtz Institute for Translational AngioCardioScience. Located in Mannheim and Heidelberg, it will bring together vascular #biomedicine, #SystemsBiology, and #CardiacResearch:
Further reading:
#biomedicine #systemsbiology #cardiacresearch
Impact of social isolation on grey matter structure and cognitive functions: A population-based longitudinal neuroimaging study
Social isolation contributes to human brain atrophy and cognitive decline, indicating an opportunity to reduce dementia risk by promoting social networks.
#Neuroscience #Brain #Neurology #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #Neurodegeneration #Alzheimer
#CognitiveDecline #CognitiveDysfunction #Dementia #Hippocampus #Neuroimaging #NeuroImage #SocialIsolation #SocialBond
#Biomedicine #Health
#health #biomedicine #SocialBond #SocialIsolation #NeuroImage #neuroimaging #hippocampus #dementia #CognitiveDysfunction #CognitiveDecline #Alzheimer #Neurodegeneration #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #neurology #brain #neuroscience
Social Bonds Protect Aging Brains
Social isolation can potentially harm brain structure and cognitive performance, suggesting an increased risk of conditions like Alzheimer’s dementia.
A lack of quality social interaction can lead to a decrease in the hippocampus’s volume, crucial for memory formation and retrieval, and poorer cognitive performance.
#Neuroscience #Brain #Neurology #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #Neurodegeneration #Alzheimer
#CognitiveDecline #CognitiveDysfunction #Dementia #Hippocampus #Neuroimaging #NeuroImage #SocialIsolation #SocialBond
#Biomedicine #Health
#health #biomedicine #SocialBond #SocialIsolation #NeuroImage #neuroimaging #hippocampus #dementia #CognitiveDysfunction #CognitiveDecline #Alzheimer #Neurodegeneration #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #neurology #brain #neuroscience
Astrocyte reactivity influences amyloid-β effects on tau pathology in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease
Aβ was associated with increased plasma phosphorylated tau only in individuals positive for astrocyte reactivity (Ast+).
#Neuroscience #Brain #Neurology #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #Neurodegeneration #Neuroinflammation #BetaAmyloid #AmyloidPlaques #Tau #NeurofibrillaryTangles #ReactiveAstrocytes #Astrocytes #Glia #GFAP #Biomarker #Alzheimer #Biomedicine #Health
#health #biomedicine #Alzheimer #Biomarker #GFAP #Glia #astrocytes #ReactiveAstrocytes #NeurofibrillaryTangles #Tau #AmyloidPlaques #BetaAmyloid #neuroinflammation #Neurodegeneration #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #neurology #brain #neuroscience
Functional roles of reactive astrocytes in neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration
#Neuroscience #Brain #Neurology #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #Neurodegeneration #Neuroinflammation #Neuroimmunology #Neuroimmune #ReactiveAstrocytes #Astrocytes #Glia #Alzheimer #Parkinson #Biomedicine #Health
#health #biomedicine #parkinson #Alzheimer #Glia #astrocytes #ReactiveAstrocytes #Neuroimmune #neuroimmunology #neuroinflammation #Neurodegeneration #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #neurology #brain #neuroscience
Therapeutic Strategies for Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1 (SCA1)
#Neuroscience #Brain #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #Neurodegeneration #Cerebellum #Ataxia #SpinocerebellarAtaxia #SCA1 #HereditaryAtaxias #Ataxias #NeurogeneticDiseases #Neurogenetics
#Genetics #HereditaryDiseases #GeneticDiseases
#Biomedicine #Health
#health #biomedicine #GeneticDiseases #HereditaryDiseases #genetics #neurogenetics #NeurogeneticDiseases #Ataxias #HereditaryAtaxias #SCA1 #SpinocerebellarAtaxia #ataxia #Cerebellum #Neurodegeneration #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #brain #neuroscience
Multifaceted nanoparticles: emerging mechanisms and therapies in neurodegenerative diseases.
Friedreich’s ataxia represents a test case to validate the potential of therapeutic strategies based on nanoparticles.
#Neuroscience #Brain #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #Neurodegeneration #Cerebellum #Ataxia #FriedreichAtaxia #HereditaryAtaxias #Ataxias #NeurogeneticDiseases #Neurogenetics
#Genetics #HereditaryDiseases #GeneticDiseases
#Mitochondria #MitochondrialDysfunction
#Nanoparticles #Nanomedicine #Nanobiotechnology
#Biomedicine #Health
#health #biomedicine #Nanobiotechnology #Nanomedicine #nanoparticles #MitochondrialDysfunction #mitochondria #neuroinflammation #genetherapy #ClinicalTrial #GeneticDiseases #HereditaryDiseases #genetics #neurogenetics #NeurogeneticDiseases #Ataxias #HereditaryAtaxias #FriedreichAtaxia #ataxia #Cerebellum #Neurodegeneration #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #brain #neuroscience
APOE expression and secretion are modulated by mitochondrial dysfunction
This study presents compelling evidence that ApoE is upregulated in various models of mitochondrial respiratory chain dysfunction. The work is of fundamental interest for those studying neurodegeneration and the role of ApoE in Alzheimer's disease; future work will be needed to reveal the molecular basis of this dramatic phenotype.
#Biomedicine #Neuroscience #Brain #Neurology #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #Neurodegeneration #Alzheimer #ApoE #Neurogenetics #Mitochondria #MitochondrialDysfunction
#MitochondrialDysfunction #mitochondria #neurogenetics #ApoE #Alzheimer #Neurodegeneration #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #neurology #brain #neuroscience #biomedicine
"May I infect you?"
Ironic postcard attached to a fridge in a #UtrechtUniversity biomedical lab, some time in 2018/2019. #utrecht #laboratory #biomedicine #infection #biosafety
#biosafety #infection #biomedicine #laboratory #utrecht #UtrechtUniversity
Vatiquinone found to slow Friedreich's Ataxia progression by 75% after 1.5 years
But oral therapy fails to meet primary goal in Phase 2/3 trial
#Neuroscience #Brain #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #Neurodegeneration #Cerebellum #Ataxia #FriedreichAtaxia #HereditaryAtaxias #Ataxias #NeurogeneticDiseases #Neurogenetics
#Genetics #HereditaryDiseases #GeneticDiseases
#Vatiquinone #Neuroinflammation
#Biomedicine #Health
#health #biomedicine #neuroinflammation #Vatiquinone #ClinicalTrial #GeneticDiseases #HereditaryDiseases #genetics #neurogenetics #NeurogeneticDiseases #Ataxias #HereditaryAtaxias #FriedreichAtaxia #ataxia #Cerebellum #Neurodegeneration #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #brain #neuroscience
Gene Therapy Reverses Age-Related Hearing Loss in Mice
The efficacy of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors in reversing genetic hearing loss in aged animal models has been demonstrated.
#Biomedicine #GeneTherapy #ViralVector #AAV #HearingLoss #AuditoryNeuroscience #Neuroscience
#neuroscience #auditoryneuroscience #hearingloss #AAV #ViralVector #genetherapy #biomedicine
Putting the Ph back into the PhD – across disciplines & cultures
Join us for our annual Katharine E. Welsh Symposium on R3eforming Graduate Science Education – worldwide!
Learn from the experiences of practitioners from the US and around the globe. Explore innovative approaches to advanced training in the 3R’s, Rigor, Reproducibility and Responsibility, in graduate science programs across the disciplines!
#PhD #PhDEducation #DoctoralEducation #GraduateEducation #University #Research #Science #Biomedicine #Rigor #Reproducibility #Responsability #3R
#3R #Responsability #reproducibility #rigor #biomedicine #science #research #university #graduateeducation #DoctoralEducation #PhDEducation #phd
How to feed mini-organs
Organoids, lab-grown mini-organs, hold the promise for better understanding of human biology. But these microscopic organ-like blobs of cells fall short of real organs in a lot of ways. For one, their size is limited to less than half of a millimeter in diameter — any larger and their internal cells start dying because nutrients from the liquid they’re grown in can’t diffuse past a certain distance. Scientists are now making lab-grown mini-organs more lifelike by adding blood vessels.
#Biomedicine #Biotechnology #Organoids #BloodVessels #BrainOrganoids #Neuroscience #Neurology
#neurology #neuroscience #BrainOrganoids #BloodVessels #organoids #biotechnology #biomedicine
RT @IRBBarcelona
🗣️Calling BSc & MSc students to do🔝#research related to #mathematics, #statistics, #informatics & #biomedicine!
🙌Join us in #Maths4Life!
âś…Choose your lab: @orozco_lab @ptck72 @yocamilleyo @GenomeDataLab @xsalvatella1 @CrisMayorRuiz
👩‍💻& apply now!➡️
#research #mathematics #statistics #informatics #biomedicine #maths4life
Check out the new issue of the TUMcampus magazine! đź“–Learn more about our student Michi Benthaus's #parabolicflight, the new #hyperloop test segment and get to know our
TUM Asia
campus in #Singapore:
#AI #biomedicine #neutrons
đź“·A. Eckert
#parabolicflight #hyperloop #singapore #ai #biomedicine #neutrons
Influential Writing and Leading Change
#DoctoralEducation #PhDEducation #GraduateEducation #PhD #Science #STEM #Biomedicine #Neuroscience
#neuroscience #biomedicine #stem #science #phd #graduateeducation #PhDEducation #DoctoralEducation
RT @AndreaSottoriva
Craig leads a fantastic research programme at the crossroad between #Genomics and #Computational #Histopathology, this is a great opportunity in a really innovative lab @humantechnopole. #MachineLearning 4 #Biomedicine. Join Craig and all of us @humantechnopole in #Milan!
#genomics #computational #histopathology #machinelearning #biomedicine #milan
Deploying two novel bi-directional encoder-based systems, viz., BioBERT and RoBERTa to identify named entities in the biomedical text: “Named Entity Recognition System for the Biomedical Domain” by Raghav Sharma, Deependra Singh, Raksha Sharma. Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems(128th Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management), appeared in: ACSIS, Vol. 30, pages 837–840 (2022).
#NER #biomedicine #BioBERT
Open Access:
So, again, procrastinating...I'll stop right now.
But I have to share the results of my little experiment with Microsoft's new GPT model trained on biomedical text: least it got the gummy bears one right.
#gpt #biogpt #llm #llms #microsoft #ms #biomedicine #pubmed