Markus Feilner :verified: · @mfeilner
549 followers · 2691 posts · Server

@escamoteur ... but that's not the worst failure of . The worst is: You have an unlimited amount of passphrases or keys. But each biometric feature only exists once. If stolen/compromised, it cannot be used again or re-created. It's gone. :-)


Last updated 2 years ago

Markus Feilner :verified: · @mfeilner
549 followers · 2682 posts · Server

I may repeat myself over and over again, but even after three (?) decades, still is wrong. It's not a security-enhancing feature, it's a feature for lazy people who are not interested in security. .
(Danke, Fefe)

#biometry #toldyouso

Last updated 2 years ago

Ulrike · @ulrike
118 followers · 334 posts · Server

[en] In Germany, a suspect's fingerprints were taken by the police and used to unlock his mobile phone, because he refused to do so himself. A court now ruled this to be a legal procedure. In Germany, suspects are not required to give out passwords or draw unlock PINs. Article in German:

#fingerprint #biometry

Last updated 2 years ago

📢 for the invited talk of Anne-Laure Boulesteix, Professor for in Molecular

📜Towards Reliable Empirical Evidence in Methodological Computational Research

📅Mon 16 Jan, 16:15 CET
📍Online Event (Zoom)

#savethedate #biometry #medicine #research #methods #researchmethods #computational #statistics #data #datascience #ruhrgebiet #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk

Last updated 2 years ago

hakan “:verified:” · @hatr
893 followers · 20 posts · Server

Researchers with the Chaos Computer Club bought items on eBay that turned to have stored iris scans of 2,632 people, mostly from people living in Iraq. But also data from members of the U.S. Army:

From the NYT:
"detailed descriptions of individuals in addition to their photograph and biometric data, could be enough to target people who were previously unknown to have worked with U.S. military forces should the information fall into the wrong hands"

NYT has a writeup here: (the utm ensures you can read the article without subscription)

My former colleagues at BR have been working on this story for many months now. If you understand the German language, I encourage you to listen to their hourlong feature on It includes the case of the military database but much more as well


Last updated 2 years ago

:mstdn_io: Porfirio · @Porfirio
34 followers · 1256 posts · Server

NYT already covering the story_

"For Sale on eBay: A Military Database of Fingerprints and Iris Scans

German security researchers studying biometric capture devices popular with the U.S. military got more than they expected for $68 on eBay."

#biometry #ccc

Last updated 2 years ago

A look at the use of biometric surveillance tech in European soccer stadiums; 15,000+ cameras will monitor fans in eight stadiums at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar

#soccer #facerecognition #biometry #privavy

Last updated 2 years ago

blub · @blub
413 followers · 5064 posts · Server

bietet die Möglichkeit, euer biometrisches Profil löschen zu lassen. Man muss dazu beim deletion form ein Foto hochladen, damit sie darauf die Signatur blacklisten können:

Das Unternehmen nutzt Profilphotos und alle möglichen Bilder aus dem Netz, um biometrische Gesichtsprofile zu bilden und die Leute wiederzufinden:

#clearview #datenschutz #cv #computervision #ml #machinelearning #ai #biometry #facerecognition

Last updated 4 years ago