Ein paar Spiele, die auf der Liste stehen und mir gerade einfallen:
#FinalFantasyXVI (Beenden)
#ToTk (restliche Schreine)
#FinalFantasy XII
Final Fantasy XIII Trilogie
#Halo MCC (Bis auf Teil 1)
#StarWars Kotor 1 / 2
Burnout Paradies Remastered
New Super Mario Bros (Reihe)
#Metroid Dread
#Zelda Skyward Sword HD
Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D
Zelda The Wind Waker
Zelda TP
#FinalFantasyXVI #TotK #finalfantasy #biomutant #halo #starwars #metroid #zelda
全409タイトルが,最大90%オフに。「THQ Nordicサマーセール」&「HandyGamesサマーセール」がSteamにて開催
#バイオミュータント #Knights_of_Honor_II_Sovereign #Way_of_the_Hunter #Expeditions_Rome #Wreckfest #Biomutant
#バイオミュータント #knights_of_honor_ii_sovereign #way_of_the_hunter #expeditions_rome #wreckfest #biomutant
オープンワールドRPG「バイオミュータント」など13タイトルが最大80%オフに。「THQ Nordic 梅雨セール第三弾」がSteamにて開催中
#バイオミュータント #Biomutant
#Rol y #aventura salvaje #mutante que llegará a #NintendoSwitch.
🌐Info: https://www.slayers.es/2023/05/biomutant-llegara-nintendo-switch.html
🛒Compra: https://amzn.to/3LF7Hs7
#️⃣Tags: #acción #hackandslash #RPG #THQNordic #Experiment101
#noticias #biomutant #rol #aventura #mutante #nintendoswitch #tags #accion #hackandslash #rpg #thqnordic #experiment101
Por fin y después de una larga espera se confirma que #Biomutant llegará a #NintendoSwitch e incluso cuenta con fecha de salida :3. https://bit.ly/3pgIs7X
Biomutant uscirà su Nintendo Switch a novembre
#biomutant #experiment101 #thqnordic
[ @twitch #STREAMPLAN ] 📆
Neue Woche, neuer Streamplan!
Und nicht vergessen vor den meisten Streams spielen wir auch noch #SuperAnimalRoyale
Und wie immer gibt es den vollständigen Plan unter :blobfoxcomfycomputer: https://spikey.biz/schedule
#Minecraft @minecraft #Jackbox @jackboxpartypacks #Littlenightmares2 @littlenightmares #Biomutant @biomutant #CultoftheLamb @cultofthelamb
#streamplan #superanimalroyale #minecraft #jackbox #littlenightmares2 #biomutant #cultofthelamb
I really want to like #BIOMUTANT but the presentation is just not appealing to me. Hundreds of made-up words, which are just out of place through the use of a single Narrator instead of the people you meet talking.
Gleich geht's los mit dem #BIRTHDAY STREAM!
Unter anderem gibt es #Biomutant, #JackboxPartyGames, #Minecraft|@FoxcraftProject, #NoMansSky und #SuperAnimalRoyale!
(Eventuell spielen wir nicht alle oder mehr als diese Spiele!)
#birthday #biomutant #jackboxpartygames #minecraft #nomanssky #superanimalroyale
Gleich geht's los mit dem #BIRTHDAY STREAM!
Unter anderem gibt es #Biomutant, #JackboxPartyGames, #Minecraft|@FoxcraftProject, #NoMansSky und #SuperAnimalRoyale!
(Eventuell spielen wir nicht alle oder mehr als diese Spiele!)
#birthday #biomutant #jackboxpartygames #minecraft #nomanssky #superanimalroyale
Playing #Biomutant https://www.youtube.com/live/DgDK9cbuEoM?feature=share via @YouTube #ps5 #playstation #ps5share #gaming
#biomutant #ps5 #playstation #PS5Share #gaming
Kleine Änderung zum Streamplan:
Am Freitag kein Backbone, da wir das Spiel im letzten Stream durch hatten. Also starten wir nun morgen stattdessen mit #Biomutant durch!
@bill Ooof, that'd be #DahoamIsDahoam (A bavarian daily soap) with #BIOMUTANT. Whoops :D
Mar 11, 2023 - Day 69 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 76
Game: Biomutant
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: May 26, 2021
Library Date: Mar 8, 2023
Unplayed: 3d
Playtime: 36m
Biomutant is a post-apocalyptic RPG, where you take the role of a mutant... raccoon?
You have a gun, and a buster sword, and some wicked cool moves that you can break out on enemies.
The game is narrated, and the narrator sounds just like one of those British cartoons that also have a narrator.
Honestly, I don't feel like I'm making a lot of sense at this point. Not a bad game so far, was worth getting in this month's Humble Bundle.
Biomutant is:
3: OK
#biomutant #rpg #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
Humble Choice:
Pathfinder: Jurassic World Evolution 2, Biomutant, Edge of Eternity ed altri 5 giochi da scegliere su http://bit.ly/HumbMonthly (Refer. Link)
#HumbleChoice #HumbleMonthly #HumbleBundle #Biomutant #JurassicWorldEvolution2 #EdgeOfEternity #HerosHour #RogueLords #DemonTurf #GoldenLight #MonsterCrown
#HumbleChoice #humblemonthly #humblebundle #biomutant #JurassicWorldEvolution2 #edgeofeternity #heroshour #roguelords #demonturf #goldenlight #monstercrown
My Biomutant character 🎮
Hmm I really enjoyed #Biomutant so far.
But I wonder if I'm doing something wrong. As I'm often attacked by several enemies at once, who are all 3-5 levels higher than me. And I often die because I can beat one, maybe two but not three 😔.
I'm on easy! So I dread to think how hard a harder mode is...
I've tried going to a different zone but I keep getting multiple enemies with higher levels wherever I try to go.
#Gaming #Playstation #PS5
#biomutant #gaming #playstation #ps5