“It takes men to govern men, and what governs the greater force will control the lesser. It is not necessary to cut two holes in the gate, the one for the large, the other for the small cat. The small cat can go through the large hole.”
—Edward Drinker Cope, 1889
You can’t make this shit up. At least it explains the origin of the brilliant proverb “#Science is the curse of the Drinker classes”.
#science #biopolitics #NineteenthCentury
“The sentimental #politics of life helps illuminate how #biopower is so effective at creating atmospheres in which people come to identify with the needs of the state and #capitalism as their own best interests.”
—Kyla Schuller, The #Biopolitics of Feeling, Introduction: Sentimental Biopower
🤯 🎯
#politics #biopower #capitalism #biopolitics
In the “earth-writing” of Latin American regionalist literature, the multiple, lived temporalities of the extractive zone and its racialized #biopolitics came into view long before #Anthropocene and #Capitalocene thinking. At the same time, these narratives sketched out a counter-movement that rallied human and nonhuman forces to combat #extractivism’s advance: a biopolitics not of extraction but of contagion, mutation, and community. https://tinyurl.com/yyhhd3r4
#biopolitics #anthropocene #Capitalocene #extractivism
Re-read the feedback from my writing coach/developmental editor on my #Edgeworth chapter and it's so helpful--especially the point that I need to pull the #biopolitics argument more to the fore. But right now, it's good enough to set aside and move to the next chapter.
So grateful that the Kingfisher Institute for the Liberal Arts and Professions invited me to join their panel last night on Population Health. I got to talk about Benedict Anderson and how the concept of population inherently asks questions about #governmentality and #biopolitics. Then we used #Dickens’s Bleak House for an example. #MedHums #MedicalHumanities
#governmentality #biopolitics #Dickens #medhums #MedicalHumanities
Ahora que la efigie de Carrillo va a estamparse en papel moneda, se va a volver realmente ubicuo...
Si quieren conocer más sobre su singular figura, está disponible, tanto en librerías como en ebook, El don de la ubicuidad, libro que escribí sobre la otra faceta de Carrillo, la del teórico estatal, creador de dos ciencias de gobierno a las que bautizó cibernología y biopolítica.
Con prólogo del maestro Horacio González.
Disponible en:
#ramoncarrillo #biopolitica #cibernología #cibernetica #saludpublica #miñoydavila #horaciogonzalez #eldondelaubicuidad #biopolitics #cybernetics
#ramoncarrillo #biopolitica #cibernologia #cibernetica #saludpublica #minoydavila #horaciogonzalez #eldondelaubicuidad #biopolitics #cybernetics
"Science" don't know how to think processes. She think-what processes as she should think-how. That's why "science" is instrumentalized by the techno-financial-ultraliberal power https://scybernethics.org/scybernethics-enaction-cognitive-rationality/#42_Models_and_simulation_of_a-cognition_the_reflexive_heuristics_hermeneutical_cycle_of_representations_in_action
#Science #Ethic #Epistemology #Scybernethics #Philosophy #Biopolitics #Technopolitics
#technopolitics #biopolitics #philosophy #scybernethics #epistemology #ethic #Science
It's beginning, third person educated scholars try to criticize ChatGPT, but they can't do it convincly because they stand on the same level: abstraction. In the end, I'm sure it will be a good thing for embodied paradigms and practitioners.
#chatgpt #biopolitics #embodied #technopolitics
[Noopolitik] "Shaping the world, shaping the mind"?! Toward a democratic "knowing society", because knowing is also power. https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Noopolitik
@MaieseMichelle @mbauwens @danielschmach
#Noopolitik #Biopolitics #Technopolitics #Politics #Strategy #Metacrisis #Commons
#Commons #metacrisis #strategy #Politics #technopolitics #biopolitics #noopolitik
[Meta-Crisis & Ways Out] For those who missed my first post (https://mstdn.social/@ki_cog/109669830573109785), a second layer about Daniel Schmachtenberger's smart analysis of the current meta-crisis (ecological, technological, sense-making, etc) and possible ways out. Exciting.
#technopolitics #biopolitics #Politics #metacrisis
"For us to imagine a politics outside of control, and to imagine a life within this politics, requires a new formulation of politics that accepts the fundamental metastability within us; that incorporates the notion of desire as an intensity; and that, most importantly, sees life as a dynamic process of individuation."
#Politics #TechnoPolitics #BioPolitics #MetaCrisis
#metacrisis #biopolitics #technopolitics #Politics
Finally digging into Robert Mitchell’s outstanding Infectious Liberty and, boy howdy, is it making me think about the way the National Tale helps conceive and produce the concept of population. #biopolitics #NationalTale #Romanticism
#biopolitics #nationaltale #romanticism
On-point analysis from comrades regarding #BioPolitics and #covid
"What is at stake politically in the current pandemic is less about recognizing the vulnerability of the embodied self in the face of a dangerous world than it is about the importance of our bare biological life to sovereign power and its rituals"
Beatrice Adler-Bolton interviewed on the Majority Report:
#health #capitalism #biopolitics #work
We are a magazine run by #ScienceForThePeople that publishes #radicalscience
Here are a few hashtags as our #introduction:
#politicalecology #socialecology
#historyofscience #philosophyofscience
#anticolonialism #sts #philosophyofscience #historyofscience #ClimateChange #ecosocialism #ecology #socialecology #politicalecology #militarism #biopolitics #NeuroScience #biology #gender #unions #labor #activism #Science #Anarchism #socialism #communism #marxism #feminism #anticapitalism #Introduction #radicalscience #scienceforthepeople
“The closed loop—a zero COVID-19 strategy—allows capital to circulate while reducing human mobility to an absolute minimum, reducing humans to bare labor power.”
#capitalism #biopolitics #covid #china
Read @EliFriedman on the #WhitePaperProtests in China
#capitalism #biopolitics #covid #china #whitepaperprotests
Segunda-feira, às 18h, a Maria de Fátima Nunes vai apresentar o livro "Medicina e Império em Goa: Do conhecimento das plantas à biopolítica colonial", organizado por Cristiana Bastos.
A sessão terá lugar no Museu da Farmácia.
#histmed #imperialism #goa #biopolitics #colonialism #india
Time to make hashtag soup so my followers can find me on here: #philosophy #deconstruction #existentialism #phenomenology #nihilism #posthumanism #transhumanism #biopolitics #criticaltheory #newmaterialism #humanities #academic #academia #highered #professor #phdlife #gradlife #literature #poetry #poetics #writing #horror #theory #philbio #technology #tech #STS #SPEP #CRISPR #genetics #genomics #feminism #Marxism #socialism #anarchism #abolitionism #decolonize #leftist #union #MTG #COYS #cats
#philosophy #deconstruction #existentialism #phenomenology #nihilism #posthumanism #transhumanism #biopolitics #criticaltheory #NewMaterialism #humanities #academic #academia #highered #professor #phdlife #GradLife #literature #poetry #poetics #writing #horror #theory #philbio #technology #tech #sts #spep #crispr #genetics #genomics #feminism #marxism #socialism #anarchism #abolitionism #decolonize #leftist #union #mtg #COYS #cats
After 8 hours of work (4h of reading, 4h of writing) I have now - finally - succeeded in finishing my study assignment for next week: a 2 page summary of Hardt & Negri's #Empire with a particular focus on #Biopolitics and the #Multitude. I'm quite happy with the text and proud of what I have accomplished today.
#PoliticalTheory #PoliticalPhilosophy #Deleuze #Foucault #Autonomy #Operaismo
#empire #biopolitics #Multitude #politicaltheory #politicalphilosophy #deleuze #foucault #autonomy #operaismo
Now that we reached 8,000,000,000 people should be more careful than ever in front of some ideas concerning genetic improvement and #biopolitics and radical #longtermism