Philo Sophies · @philosophies
10 followers · 146 posts · Server

Guest contribution by Professor Eric Rodríguez : "A critical reflection on the intersection between and in the age of "

I was interested in this topic because it puts questions about ethics for artificial intelligence in a completely new light for me. But let's now let Professor Ochoa have his say.

More at:

There is an orange translate button "Google Translator>>" on the bottom left of my page.

#ochoa #bioethics #Biopolitics #biopower

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric Bednarz · @generic
63 followers · 129 posts · Server

“The sentimental of life helps illuminate how is so effective at creating atmospheres in which people come to identify with the needs of the state and as their own best interests.”

—Kyla Schuller, The of Feeling, Introduction: Sentimental Biopower

🤯 🎯

#politics #biopower #capitalism #biopolitics

Last updated 1 year ago

Estelle Platini · @estelle
118 followers · 137 posts · Server

About :
"The Gortyn law code (6th century BCE) stipulates that in cases of "he said, she said" involving slaves, the female slave is believed over whoever rapes her. This is, of course, intended to protect her owner's property (her)." by Rebecca Futo Kennedy @kataplexis

#consent #slavery #household #property #rape #anthropology #law #patriarchy #biopower #reputation #honour #family

Last updated 2 years ago

· @estelle
65 followers · 50 posts · Server

“Public torture, in seventeenth-century Europe, created searing, unforgettable spectacles of pain and suffering in order to convey the message that a system in which husbands could brutalize wives, and parents beat children, was ultimately a form of love… It seems to us that this connection – or better perhaps confusion – between and is utterly critical to the larger questions of how we lost the ability freely to recreate ourselves by recreating our relationships with one another. It is critical, that is, to understanding how we got stuck, and why these days we can hardly envisage our own past or future as anything other than a transition from smaller to larger cages.”
― David and David , in "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity"

#care #domination #graeber #wengrow #history #learning #learn #property #family #sociology #anthropology #law #patriarchy #biopower #reputation #honour

Last updated 2 years ago

· @estelle
64 followers · 50 posts · Server

“Public torture, in seventeenth-century Europe, created searing, unforgettable spectacles of pain and suffering in order to convey the message that a system in which husbands could brutalize wives, and parents beat children, was ultimately a form of love… It seems to us that this connection – or better perhaps confusion – between and is utterly critical to the larger questions of how we lost the ability freely to recreate ourselves by recreating our relationships with one another. It is critical, that is, to understanding how we got stuck, and why these days we can hardly envisage our own past or future as anything other than a transition from smaller to larger cages.”
― David and David , in "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity"

#care #domination #graeber #wengrow #property #family #sociology #anthropology #law #patriarchy #biopower #reputation #honour

Last updated 2 years ago

· @estelle
64 followers · 49 posts · Server

“What makes the Roman Law conception of property - the basis of almost all legal systems today - unique is that the responsibility to care and share is reduced to a minimum, or even eliminated entirely. In Roman Law there are three basic rights related to possession: usus (the right to use), fructus (the right to enjoy the products of a property, for instance the fruit of a tree), and abusus (the right to damage or destroy). If one has only the first two rights, this is referred to as usufruct, and is not considered true possession under the law. The defining feature of true legal then, is that one has the option not taking care of it, or even destroying it at will.”
― David and David , in "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity"

#property #graeber #wengrow #slavery #family #familia #sociology #anthropology #law #patriarchy #biopower #reputation #Honor

Last updated 2 years ago

· @estelle
58 followers · 42 posts · Server

"The most important thing we learned from is that the living (and therefore mortal) body is the central object of all politics. There is no politics that is not a politics of bodies."

Paul B.

#foucault #preciado #quotes #biopower #deviance #conformation #sociology #philosophy #frenchtheory

Last updated 2 years ago

· @estelle
10 followers · 8 posts · Server

The Malleus Maleficarum is the best known treatise on .
Factors stimulating widespread use:
Between 1487 and 1520, twenty editions of the Malleus Maleficarum were published, and another sixteen between 1574 and 1669. The Malleus Maleficarum was able to spread throughout Europe rapidly in the late 15th and at the beginning of the 16th century due to the innovation of the printing press in the middle of the 15th century by Johannes . The invention of some thirty years before the first publication of the Malleus Maleficarum instigated the fervor of witch hunting."
Wikipedia; text available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0

#witchcraft #Gutenberg #printing #witchhunt #feminisms #patriarchy #biopower

Last updated 2 years ago

RC Hopgood · @rchopgood
118 followers · 382 posts · Server

On this i want to
boost a great book on .
"HumAnimal: Race, Law, Language" by is eye opening in the way silence can be used to neutralize power.

#silentsunday #Silence #kalpanarahitaseshadri #philosphy #language #Derrida #agamben #biopower #racism

Last updated 2 years ago

Kyla Wazana Tompkins · @kwazana
150 followers · 43 posts · Server

A big part of my second monograph, is writing a of as a diffuse state affect and aesthetic. Writing about atmospheres is hard! But also writing about state archives is brutally dull. Then I realized that what was blocking my writing was exactly the problem that I was trying to describe: that the diffusion of a disciplinary aesthetic and affect is the source of its power.

#Race #foodstudies #Food #c19 #biopower #literature #historians #hygiene #History #deviantmatter

Last updated 2 years ago

adewebb · @adewebb
20 followers · 25 posts · Server

Rainbow over my place of learning today 🌈 . A few hours on and before returning to and psychical research tonight.

#foucault #biopower #anatomopolitics #cdbroad #philosophy

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Quick · @organologist
40 followers · 12 posts · Server

Better introduce myself:

- Interested in and

I've written on ideas of life and mind in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, women medical scientists in the late C19th, early C20th race science, and changing regimes of pet care in the inter-war period (mainly focused on Britain)

Currently thinking about entanglements of lab animals and logistics after WWII

Looking forward to (re-)connecting!

#histodons #biopower #multispecies #Animals #histtech #histmed #histsci

Last updated 2 years ago

Earthling of the Rhine · @amikigu
-1 followers · 7212 posts · Server