Preston Walberg · @presandberg
256 followers · 631 posts · Server
Preston Walberg · @presandberg
256 followers · 631 posts · Server

" Cascadia takes a approach to solving environmental problems and aims to restore a reciprocal relationship between humans and the ecosystems they live in. Bioregionalism argues colonial boundaries ignore the natural boundaries of ecosystems and how local communities interact with those ecosystems. Instead of addressing environmental problems at a municipal, provincial or national scale, ...

#regenerate #bioregional

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael A.Lewis · @malanlewis
2 followers · 10 posts · Server

Reorganizing - After considerable soul searching and technological jiggery-pokery, I'm restructuring my online presence among Worpress, Substack and Mastodon. I'm trying to find a balance of local, bioregional and global issues with local bioregional solutions.

Hard to accomplish in these days of digital distractions, but how else to get the word out and engage others?

#coastalcalifornia #montereybay #santacruzcounty #santacruz #naturalworld #bioregional #Writing #bioregionalism

Last updated 1 year ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
990 followers · 289 posts · Server

A little about two subjects near and dear to me: , and

First off, to understand what’s going on with in the I’d encourage everyone to read “The Great Displacement: and the Next Migration,” by Jake Bittle. Check the below to orient yourself to the .

#thread #bioregional #planning #publiclands #demographic #migrant #trends #usa #ClimateChange #american #map #issue #ClimateCrisis #climate

Last updated 2 years ago

Lannan ⛈️ · @lannan
286 followers · 295 posts · Server

One of my goals is to localize my - instead of importing a bunch of stuff that goes into "real" , especially during the winter, I want to get better at working with what grows here in the . Winter squashes; mushrooms; leeks; pears and apples; fiddleheads; salmon; even localized veggies from other cultures like or veggies.

Anyone have any inspiration or ?

#slowfood #sustainablefood #bioregional #Seasonalfood #localfood #100milediet #recipes #japanese #chinese #pnw #mexicanfood #cooking #mexican

Last updated 2 years ago

Preston Walberg · @presandberg
256 followers · 631 posts · Server

2 online presentations by Joe Brewer (Earth Regenerators) today amidst his activation tour. For more opportunities to see him, visit the LegacyProject(dot)org for his full itinerary.

#tkaronto #bioregional

Last updated 2 years ago

Preston Walberg · @presandberg
256 followers · 631 posts · Server

Monday begins a week-long series of talks about of the Great Lakes Basin by Joe Brewer. To accompany these talks, Earth Regenerators has many opportunities to engage, from "Right Livelihood" to "Project Incubator".

Today, 11am EST, we have Campfire talks - everybody is welcome.

#bioregional #regeneration #toronto

Last updated 2 years ago

Hayduke · @hayduke2000
24 followers · 164 posts · Server

Back to the future with a new bioregional journal

Cascadia has a new bioregional journal, Cascadia Spoke. The journal is a revival of that good old medium that has graced the world with so many great journals, bioregional and other. Paper and print.

The journal is the brainchild of Brandon Letsinger, who as an organizer, promoter and entrepreneur has a lot to do with the spread of the Cascadia idea in recent years. He was pivotal in creation of the Cascadia Department of Bioregion site, which offers a comprehensive overview of the bioregional concept and its application in Cascadia, the watersheds draining into the Pacific from what is now known as Northern California to Southeast Alaska.

#bioregion #bioregional #cascadia #watershed

Last updated 2 years ago

Preston Walberg · @presandberg
256 followers · 631 posts · Server

Lamp in park shining through wet birch tree while walking our canine family member this evening in the misty rain. 16 days since his last seizure.

3-1/2 hrs today talking about activation for projects with support from the amazing community of EarthRegenerators(dot)org.

#bioregional #regenerative #artscapewychwoodbarns #toronto

Last updated 2 years ago

Preston Walberg · @presandberg
256 followers · 631 posts · Server

@skyfishgoo Oooohh!...has there been changes in our understanding of since 2009!! However, the dominant culture's double down on dogmatic economic ideology continues the trajectory, refusing all evidence to the contrary. Since @jasonhickel book I've been an ardent support of and economies through re-Indigenising with a focus.

But that is just my idiosyncratic journey of continuing to rage against the machine ;).

#planetaryboundaries #lessismore #degrowth #regenerative #bioregional

Last updated 2 years ago

Ethan Waldman · @ethanwaldman
41 followers · 166 posts · Server

You've heard of the 100 mile diet, but what about the 100 mile house? Steven Martyn, author of The Roundhouse, tells me all about Bioregional Building and more on this week's episode of Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast.


#tinyhouses #bioregional #tinyhouselifestyle #tinyhouse #cob #podcast #interview #tinyhouseliving

Last updated 2 years ago

I make my own incense to use and sell in my shop. While I usually gather plants, berries and resins for this specific purpose, it is also a good use for the bits of plant material left over from other uses. It is respectful of the plant to use all the parts you have gathered and not waste anything. I use both wild and garden herbs, flowers, bark, resin, leaves and stalks. I use pine, fir, spruce, cedar, bark, cones, leaves and resin. I use flowers such as yarrow, lavender, rose and clover. I add crushed berries such as saskatoons, mahonia or elderberry as well as honey and mead for binding. Making my own incense 2 or 3 times per year is intensely satisfying and a spiritual way to honour the land. It is also a great alternative to buying incense and resins from countries on the other side of the world that are often from endangered species or exploited sources. While I do have a few from other places I have visited, namely Glastonbury, I use them only for very special occasions as I won't be replacing them when they run out. I was inspired by the Glastonbury incenses from Star Child (they use local ingredients) and the scent takes me right back to the Red Spring. I've now created new scent memories with my own blends used for special ceremonies and rituals right here.

#witch #witchstuff #incense #bioregional #dyi #occult #locallysourced #yule #bealtine #midsummer

Last updated 2 years ago

Artecology · @Artecology
15 followers · 5 posts · Server
Ryan Weberling · @ryanweberling
15 followers · 32 posts · Server

I never posted an after migrating a couple weeks ago, so here goes:

I’m a home cook, amateur and /#sustainability researcher, and nascent blogger (URL in profile) interested in cooking and /#local cuisines, as well as , , , , , and . Also curious about how food culture gets mediated through print, digital, and manuscript mediums. However, my interests (+ideals) exceed my reality!

#introduction #foodhistory #ecology #vegan #bioregional #rawfood #fermentation #foraging #staplefoods #bulkfoods #zerowaste

Last updated 2 years ago

Antje Radcke · @aradcke
22 followers · 41 posts · Server

Wenn die Menschen sich doch nur so verhalten würden, wie sie es sich in Umfragen vorstellen können. 🤔

Zitat aus dem Artikel: "Die drei wichtigsten Maßnahmen, um die ernährungsbedingten Emissionen zu reduzieren, sind tatsächlich Umstellung auf eine sehr stark pflanzliche Ernährung. Reduktion der Abfälle, also so wenig wie möglich Nahrungsmittel wegwerfen. Und dann muss noch die Produktion so emissionsarm wie möglich gestaltet werden."

#NoWaste #bioregional #govegan

Last updated 2 years ago

Antje Radcke · @aradcke
19 followers · 40 posts · Server


Ist doch klar: Sie ist extrem verantwortungsbewusst 😉 - vorausgesetzt, wir achten dabei auch auf .


Last updated 2 years ago

Antje Radcke · @aradcke
19 followers · 40 posts · Server
Antje Radcke · @aradcke
19 followers · 40 posts · Server

Local Exotics - Die Lösung eines kulinarischen Paradoxons | BIOFACH

Es lohnt sich, auch bei bisher als "exotisch" geltenden Produkten unter dem Aspekt genauer hinzuschauen. Auch ein : Die Folgen des Klimawandels nutzen, um den aufzuhalten.

#klimawandel #Paradoxon #bioregional

Last updated 2 years ago