“Bioregionalism is an approach illustrating a possible future wherein our models of economic and social governance are more localised, democratic and self-sustaining.”
A primer on #Bioregionalism👇🏼
“Bioregionalism is an approach illustrating a possible future wherein our models of economic and social governance are more localised, democratic and self-sustaining.”
A primer on #Bioregionalism👇🏼
“Bioregionalism is an approach illustrating a possible future wherein our models of economic and social governance are more localised, democratic and self-sustaining.”
A primer on #Bioregionalism👇🏼
"A new research project aims to introduce Indigenous seed systems to four Northern Ontario First Nations, in a move toward food sovereignty for those communities."
"Under the three-year project, researchers will work with community members to test their soil, select appropriate seed varieties, and cultivate crops to grow fresh, nutritious food, reducing their reliance on expensive, nutritionally poor store-bought items."
#indigenous #foodsecurity #bioregionalism
... From Latin America to Wales, from Gaelic culture to Southern Africa, each culture has its own concept of wellbeing, but they all have a common thread."
#bioregionalism #indigenousknowledge
This will entail social justice and climate justice through a #DoughnutEconomics framework, #regenerative land use based on #bioregionalism and #CircularEconomics business models.
#doughnuteconomics #regenerative #bioregionalism #circulareconomics
Could there ever be such a thing as bioregional agroforestry—a tree cropping systems producing food and useful materials that also has space for indigenous plant species and that is
adapted to regional climate and terrain?
Peter Hardwick thought so. I came across Peter’s idea while on a course at Robin Francis’ Djanbung Gardens permaculture education centre in Nimbin some years ago.
This is a brief introduction to Peter’s idea as it stood at the time. Let’s know what you think of his model and how you would adapt it to the region you call home.
#permaculture #permaculturedesign #forestry #agroforestry #treecrops #bioregionalism #perennialcropping
#permaculture #permaculturedesign #forestry #agroforestry #treecrops #bioregionalism #perennialcropping
It is That Which It Is
After fifty years of cultural observation and activism, I’m convinced that bioregionalism is the only path forward out of the miasma of capitalism, fascism and general human greed and profligacy. Choose any of the polycrises now inflicting humanity, system change is necessary and bioregional organization are critical changes necessary to allow the survival of civilization, if that’s what it is.
#polycrises #Government #bioregionalism
Reorganizing - After considerable soul searching and technological jiggery-pokery, I'm restructuring my online presence among Worpress, Substack and Mastodon. I'm trying to find a balance of local, bioregional and global issues with local bioregional solutions.
Hard to accomplish in these days of digital distractions, but how else to get the word out and engage others?
#bioregionalism #writing #bioregional #NaturalWorld #SantaCruz #SantaCruzCounty #MontereyBay #CoastalCalifornia
#coastalcalifornia #montereybay #santacruzcounty #santacruz #naturalworld #bioregional #Writing #bioregionalism
Hashtag update!
#Environment #Conservation #Environmentalism #Bioregionalism #ClimateChange #California #degrowth #collapse #Government #nNorcal #MontereyBay #SantaCruz #SantaCruzCounty #SantaCruzMountains
#environment #conservation #environmentalism #bioregionalism #ClimateChange #california #degrowth #collapse #government #nnorcal #montereybay #santacruz #santacruzcounty #santacruzmountains
We Live in the Natural World
The Center Cannot Hold
#Collapse #Environment #ClimateChange #Bioregionalism #Natural World #Degrowth #ReinhabitoryStrategies #Reinhabit
#collapse #environment #ClimateChange #bioregionalism #natural #degrowth #reinhabitorystrategies #reinhabit
Limit Population and Economic Growth
If we don’t voluntarily limit our own population and economic growth, Nature will do it for us, and we might not be so pleased with her solution to the problems we are creating!
#PopulationGrowth #EconomicGrowth #Growth #Bioregionalism #Bioregion #Nature #NaturalLimits
#populationGrowth #economicgrowth #growth #bioregionalism #bioregion #nature #naturallimits
I'm a human being, not a human doing. I live in the Salinia Bioregion, calmly sailing north on the Salinian Block of the Pacific Plate at two inches per year, sliding past the western edge of the North American Plate.
The problems Western culture is experiencing now are the result of 500 years of living out of sync with the natural world, based on an economy and culture that denies the reality of natural geophysical limitations to growth in population and material source consumption, and has forgotten the basic interdependence of all life.
The only sane response is to abandon this failed experiment and return to our real home in the natural world life and live in cooperative and supportive small ecocentric communities based on mutual aid, sufficiency and freedom from coercion, with respect for all life.
Some of my websites:
#Anarchism #bioregionalism #Environmentalism #Taoism #SantaCruz #SaliniaBioregion #California #CentralCoast
#anarchism #bioregionalism #environmentalism #taoism #santacruz #saliniabioregion #california #centralcoast
We are focusing on stewarding the land by adding Indigenous varieties that are suited to the soil and the weather, and also those that are more drought tolerant. #bioregionalism #Tkaronto
Simply Sustainable Santa Cruz
We live in a discrete bioregion that is geographically constrained by Monterey Bay to the south and Santa Cruz Mountains to north. Our potable water comes largely from surface streams via limited storage reservoirs, with no option to import water from elsewhere.
As a result, we’re locked into a one-way trip to unsustainability and societal collapse.
Read more ... https://malanlewis.wordpress.com/2022/05/22/simply-sustainable-santa-cruz/
#bioregionalism #santacruzcounty #environmentalism
Self-Arising Society
How can we remove centralized, authoritarian hierarchy from our lives and allow a new society to arise of itself?
#society #bioregionalism #WuWei #selfarising
"It's official... the Design School for Regenerating Earth is open and ready to receive members."
"Join us!!! 😌🙏💚🌍"
#bioregionalism #planetaryboundaries
Coming of Age in the Ecozoic Era
"The Dream is at the heart of the Action. The greatest gift we can give our children is to assist them in their dreams of a planet of pure air and water and sunlight and soil, where the community of all living beings can flourish in the celebration of existence."
#Ecozoic #Bioregionalism #Ecology #Environment #Biodiversity
#ecozoic #bioregionalism #ecology #environment #biodiversity
What is #Bioregionalism?
by Frank Traina
"What bioregionalism means is that in order to survive on this planet, in order to be whole, we need to realize how important it is that we’re part of the immediate place in which we live. We need to know this place in detail; we need to love it in the detail."
#Bioregionalism #LivingInPlace #PeterBerg #Ray Dasmond
#bioregionalism #livinginplace #peterberg #ray