Koreen Brennan · @koreenbrennan
159 followers · 346 posts · Server spore.social

Discussing on another service how Native American cultures arose in context of bioregions and watersheds, and how could we do more of that now? And how can that help us to reduce damage and create more resilience? For one thing, if more people understood their bioregion better, how it functions and relates to others, it would help.

#bioregions #climatediary #climatecrisis #bioregionalgovernance

Last updated 2 years ago

MAlanLewis · @malanlewis
12 followers · 63 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I'm here on this platform looking for on topics of vital interest to us and all our relations. Not boosts, not favorites. Discussion, words in a row, talk and talk back.

We have a budget of 10,000 characters on this instance. Let's use them for meaningful, meaty back & forth, to an fro, in and out, over and above , , , , . We have two eyes and ten fingers. Let's put them to work coming up with to pressing in the we share with all other .

#discussion #talk #ideas #ideals #options #propositions #solutions #problems #bioregions #life #bioregionalism #environmentalism #populationGrowth #degrowth #economicgrowth #government #localism #democracy #anarchism #populism #fascism #authoritarianism #antiauthoritarianism #corporateoligarchy #representativerepublic #biodiveristy #habitat #wildlife #species #extinction #evolution #ecology #deepecology

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam Butler · @sambutlerUS
166 followers · 27 posts · Server kolektiva.social

* The @CascadiaDept@twitter.com : cascadiabioregion.org/

* The Dept of : deptofbioregion.org/bioregions

* @EUEnvironment@twitter.com's ecoregion map: eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/fi

* @matt_heberger@twitter.com's watershed tool: mghydro.com/watersheds/

Interested in helping create maps like these? 2/

#cascadia #bioregions

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam Butler · @sambutlerUS
166 followers · 25 posts · Server kolektiva.social

As one of the first projects of an International Collective People's Movement (rebrand.ly/peoples-join), which anybody can get started on:

Maps of ecoregions, comprised of local watersheds.

This builds on:

* @cazort's @bPlantOrg ecoregional map (bplant.org/regions.php)

* @matt_heberger's watershed map/tool (mghydro.com/watersheds/)

* The Dept of Bioregions (deptofbioregion.org/bioregions)

* The Bioregion (cascadiabioregion.org/)

* Europe's map of ecological regions (eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/fi)

Interested in contributing? Want to get your classroom / students involved, or support with your skills and experience, or just connect and collaborate with others on a project like this?

Feel free to drop a reply below, or join the temporary group discussion forum where we're organizing for projects like these: rebrand.ly/peoples-join

This work is in the spirit of the 2010 People's Agreement and Max Ajl's "A People's Green New Deal."

#cascadia #ecoregion #map #watershed #plants #flora #fauna #bioregions #foodshed #international #collective #greennewdeal #peoplesagreement #coops #solidarity #hydrological #science #maps #cartography

Last updated 2 years ago

Nam Henderson · @namhenderson
16 followers · 40 posts · Server mas.to

"In a world where all belong, there are no sacrifice zones, everyone is within the circle of human concern...We belong to each other. We must co-create our future." belonging.berkeley.edu/obis-cl re: et al.

#climatejustice #bioregions

Last updated 2 years ago