Three intersections on Central Avenue are set to receive roundabouts with bioretention landscaping upgrades. Irene Dieter explains that these changes will help filter out harmful chemicals from stormwater runoff before it flows into the Bay.
#alameda #BikeLanes #roundabout #bioretention #CentralAvenue #StormwaterRunoff #EnvironmentalProtectionAgency #CentralAvenueSafetyImprovementProject
#alameda #bikelanes #roundabout #bioretention #centralavenue #stormwaterrunoff #environmentalprotectionagency #centralavenuesafetyimprovementproject
On today’s walk I spotted a #bioretention cell (or rain garden) one stormdrain away from the neighborhood stream. Great to see local #GreenInfrastructure #stormwater management efforts in action. #Vermont
#vermont #StormWater #greeninfrastructure #bioretention
Here are two of the #bioretention cells at the Watershed Stewardship Center that we monitored. Despite some key design differences between them, overall their performance is very similar. They do an excellent job of entirely capturing #stormwater runoff from small storms and significantly reduce runoff in larger events, protecting nearby West Creek. #GreenInfrastructure works.
#greeninfrastructure #StormWater #bioretention