okay, the afternoon sessions of #ACSFall2023 are about to begin. I'm attending the "Enhance your Data - Smart Ways to Metadata and Knowledge Graphs" session and will talk about #bioschemas myself (2nd speaker)
the second #ACSFall2023 talk today, with Dr Leyla Jael Castro: "Improving findability on chemical resources with #Bioschemas" 02:25pm - 02:45pm USA / Canada - Pacific - August 13, 2023 | Location: Nikko I (Hotel Nikko San Francisco)"
It will be more fun than the abstract suggest, I promise :)
next week #ACSFall2023 will really start, but people are already posting on X. Yes, I am attending, but only remotely. I will give two presentations, one about #chemistry in #wikidata and another one on using #Bioschemas (part of schema.org) for chemicals
I wonder if the hashtag is used in the Fediverse a lot. I will follow it anyway
#acsfall2023 #chemistry #wikidata #bioschemas
Cool (in a geeky bioinformatician kind of way): Bioschemas training profiles: A set of specifications for standardizing training information to facilitate the discovery of training programs and resources with @bffo @P_Palagi and others https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011120 #bioinformatics #training #bioschemas
#bioinformatics #training #bioschemas
Pitches for the SWAT4HCLS biohackathon are trickling in. Some interesting pitches on #wikidata subsetting, RDF for microscopy, linking observational data with knowledge, #Scholia and #Bioschemas have been stated, looking forward to yours:
#wikidata #scholia #bioschemas
Project #22: plant data exchange, want to use RO-Crate and #Bioschemas
Project #23: continuing project from last year, scraping Bioschemas. This year part 2: Bioschemas. The Dump. (really)
Project #24: EuropePMC, quantitative bias assessment in ELIXIR
#BioHackEU22 7/
Project #5: one of the projects about #bioschemas, this one about the Data Discovery Engine
Project #6: pipeline project, I think, about genome reconstruction. Galaxy, of course
Project#7: FAIR data, with TogoID, MetaStanza. (Need to talk with them, I guess, about @bridgedb and perhaps SSSOM)
#BioHackEU22 3/