I've ended up reading a textbook ("Essential readings in #biosemiotics) on kindle, for reason of accessibility and money (damn textbooks are so expensive :@ !)... It feels absolutely horrible, instead of exciting and scientific-/study-ish
@TomKooning that's a long journey, e.g., Descartes / Locke -> Leibnitz / Wolff / Tschirnhaus -> Lambert / Kant / Hegel -> von Uexküll / Peirce / Husserl / Heidegger...
Today, Dualism is hardly philosophically defensible.
Besides criticism from #philosophy there are many other entry points (e.g., embodiment, 4E).
In the 20th century theoretical frameworks for agency were developed (-> #biosemiotics).
On the philosophical side #phenomenology is a useful framework.|
#phenomenology #biosemiotics #philosophy
@damonyoung for me it was a paper on #vonUexküll's importance to #biosemiotics that opened the door to #philosophy. Now, years later, I see our culturally biased #innenwelt as the key to #phenomenology - it's the most natural thing to conceptualize the #cartesian as a theorized form of innenwelt that is grounded in our #umwelt.
#umwelt #cartesian #phenomenology #innenwelt #philosophy #biosemiotics #vonuexkull
@kif their behavior "looks" very intentional to me. The only reason for me to think it lacks intention is because of what people have told me about the importance of brains re: intention. But maybe intention is something altogether different than what we think. #biosemiotics
@auli @Ludovica_Vain fun fact: For an MSc course (Complex Biological system) I'll end up doing an essay on 4-5 chapters of Favareau's textbook that you recommended! I'm to leave Part I (Sebeok's Precursor's and Influences though) out though, but none the less, a nice chance to get acquainted with the niche of #biosemiotics :3
A momentous recent paper from the most consequential thinker on the matter of the #originoflife, #information, and #biosemiotics has only 124 views and I must be responsible for at least a dozen.
“Folding is entirely a lawful physical process, leaving neither freedom nor necessity for interpretation. Similarly, the initial converse action-to-symbol conversion of sensory inputs also leaves no freedom for interpretation until after the action-to-symbol conversion”
#HowardHPattee #originoflife #information #biosemiotics
Otter spraint, full of glittery fish scales, quietly degrades on the roots of an alder tree, which stabilises the riverbank against flood. A strong signal for both otters (territorial and route finding), and us, alike. #values #biosemiotics #WyeLove #shit #tracks #mammals #bacteria #insects #trees #rivers #climate #flooding #place #ecophilosophy #symbioethics
#symbioethics #ecophilosophy #place #flooding #climate #rivers #trees #insects #bacteria #mammals #tracks #shit #wyelove #biosemiotics #values